Spring 2016 Recon Checklist
From GlueXWiki
Goals: Update reconstruction with realistic detector resolutions for kinematic fitting, obtain basic understanding of efficiencies reconstructed physics objects
- Efficiencies - Ahmed
- Resolutions
- Energy
- Position
- Time
- Tracking (CDC/FDC) - Paul/Simon
- Efficiencies
- Resolutions
- Momentum
- Vertex
- FCAL - Adesh
- Efficiencies
- Resolutions
- Energy
- Position
- Time
- Start Counter - Mahmoud
- Efficiencies
- Resolutions
- Tagger - Nathan/Alex B.
- Efficiencies
- Resolutions
- Time
- TOF - Beni
- Efficiencies
- Resolutions
- Time
Fully realistic simulation requires rewrite of digitization routines for most detectors. This effort is naturally coupled with the move to HDGeant4.
Goal: What calibrations can be done with the current scheme?
- Update smearing on track/shower level? Tune mcsmear parameters?
- Truth-reconstructed checks on hit-level quantities?
- Improved tagger simulation?
- Review geometry/alignment?