June 22, 2011 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday June 22, 2011 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


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  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update logbook
  3. CDC Update


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Beni, Simon, Lubomir, Dave

FDC Update

CDC Update

  1. The techs are part way through installing layer 22, the second layer of the last group of stereo tubes.
  2. Six axial layers have been strung: 1,2,3,4, 13 and 14.
  3. They have measured the tension of all the wires in rows 1,2,3 and 4 (192 out of the 438 strung so far). All except one wire was within specifications. The one which was out of specification will be replaced during the next stringing session, but it has now been removed from the chamber. Interestingly, this wire had passed the continuity measurement, but failed the tension measurement. It appears that either the crimp did not hold, or the crimp snapped the wire inside the crimp pin. When the wire was pulled, it was in one piece, and none was visible in the lower crimp pin.
  4. The tension measurement process is fast and easy and the Helmholtz coils can be used for about an hour before they get too hot.
  5. We had one day where the particulate count in the clean room soared to 57,000/cu.ft, this was associated with the extreme swampy weather conditions outdoors where the outdoor count was over 1,500,000/cu.ft. This count quickly returned to below 2000 after a thunderstorm and has remained low.
  6. We also had the temperature and the humidity in the room rise to uncomfortable levels. After installing a dehumidifier and then an a/c unit the room became much more pleasant to work in. Conditions are all normal in the clean room now.
  7. The HVB prototype that Fernando sent is fine. CDC prototype HVB
  8. Naomi has been pursuing resolution measurements with Gerard's LE algorithm, varying the gas mix used in the Garfield time:distance lookup tables used for interpolation, so far 48/52 seems to be the best fit for mixed "50/50" Ar/CO2.