Mattione Kaon PID Studies Y2175

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Revision as of 21:27, 14 September 2012 by Pmatt (Talk | contribs) (Mass Peaks & Kinematic Fitting)

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  • γ p → Y(2175), p
    • Y(2175) → π+, π-, φ
      • φ → K+, K-
  • Final State: p, π+, π-, K+, K-
  • Events generated with: ΓY(2175) = 61 MeV/c2, t-slope = 5.0, 50.0 < Vertex-Z (cm) < 80.0

Analysis Overview

  • For each q = +/- particle in the reaction, all detected q = +/- tracks are tested as to whether or not they are that particle
    • e.g. If a q = + track has PID FOM > 1% for both the π+ & K+: allow both combinations (DO NOT take the best FOM as true!)
  • Maximum of 8 tracks per event (to cut down on memory spikes).
  • The analysis (cuts/histing/kinfits) is then performed on each possible track combination (events are only cut if every one of their track combinations is cut):
    • Required 45.0 < Track-Vertex-Z (cm) < 85.0
    • Require the combined FOM for PID (χ2 and NDF of all tracks summed together) be > 1%
    • Placed VERY wide cuts on the non-signal invariant mass peaks: reduces # of bogus track combinations to save time / cleanup histograms
    • Where kinematic fit: Require that the confidence level from the kinematic fit be > 1%

Mass Peaks & Kinematic Fitting

genr8 Y(2175) Signal

  • Kinematic Fit Confidence Level (Zoomed in; spike at 0 confidence is well off the top of the plot)
Recoil p P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 KinFitConLev MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175.png
Not Missing

  • Missing Mass & Missing Mass Squared (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 MissingMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175.png
Not Missing

  • Y(2175) Invariant Mass (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 Y2175Mass MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175.png
Not Missing

genr8 Y(2175) Background

  • Generate pions instead of kaons, shift generated mass peaks so that when the kaon mass is assigned to the kaon candidates (pions), the mass peaks shift to the original signal masses.
    • Note that it is impossible to get every peak to line up without generated a recoil proton with a bogus mass. Therefore, the missing mass peak is slightly off.
  • Kinematic Fit Confidence Level (Zoomed in; spike at 0 confidence is well off the top of the plot)
Recoil p P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Not Missing

  • Missing Mass & Missing Mass Squared (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Not Missing

  • Y(2175) Invariant Mass (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Not Missing

bggen Background

  • Kinematic Fit Confidence Level (Zoomed in; spike at 0 confidence is well off the top of the plot)
Recoil p P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 KinFitConLev MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175bggen.png
Not Missing

  • Missing Mass & Missing Mass Squared (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 MissingMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175bggen.png
Not Missing

  • Y(2175) Invariant Mass (Before/after KinFit where present)
Recoil p No KinFit P4 KinFit VertexP4 KinFit
Mattione Update 09132012 Y2175Mass MissingP VertexP4KinFit Y2175bggen.png
Not Missing