Mattione Kaon PID Studies h2Prime(2600)

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Revision as of 22:00, 16 September 2012 by Pmatt (Talk | contribs) (Mass Peaks & Kinematic Fitting)

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  • γ p → h'2(2600), p
    • h'2(2600) → K1(1400)+, K-
      • K1(1400)+ → K*(892)0, π+
        • K*(892)0 → K+, π-
  • Final State: p, K-, π+, K+, π-
  • Events generated with: Γh'2(2600) = 100 MeV/c2, t-slope = 5.0, 50.0 < Vertex-Z (cm) < 80.0

Analysis Overview

  • For each q = +/- particle in the reaction, all detected q = +/- tracks are tested as to whether or not they are that particle
    • e.g. If a q = + track has PID FOM > 1% for both the π+ & K+: allow both combinations (DO NOT take the best FOM as true!)
  • Maximum of 8 tracks per event (to cut down on memory spikes).
  • The analysis (cuts/histing/kinfits) is then performed on each possible track combination (events are only cut if every one of their track combinations is cut):
    • Required 45.0 < Track-Vertex-Z (cm) < 85.0
    • EXTREMELY loose mass cuts around each mass peak (typically at the histogram edges): saves time by reducing # of kinematic fits to perform
    • Require the combined FOM for PID (χ2 and NDF of all tracks summed together) be > 1%
    • Where kinematic fit: Require that the confidence level from the kinematic fit be > 1%
    • Mass cuts as illustrated.

Mass Peaks & Kinematic Fitting

  • NOTES:
    • Plots are shown for "Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit" only.
    • Mass Plots: Pre-KinFit is Magenta, Post-KinFit is Teal
    • Kinematic Fit Confidence Level is zoomed in: spike at 0 confidence is well off the top of the plot
    • For the genr8 background, It wasn't possible to lineup every mass peak (without generating the recoil proton at a bogus mass), so the missing mass peak is a little off-center.
    • If a cut is shown, then all "Post-KinFit" plots after that cut include it.
Plot genr8 h'2(2600) Signal genr8 h'2(2600) Background bggen Background
Confidence Level
Mattione Update 09132012 KinFitConLev MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600.png
Mattione Update 09132012 KinFitConLev MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 KinFitConLev MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Missing Mass
Mattione Update 09132012 MissingMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600.png
Mattione Update 09132012 MissingMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 MissingMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
K*(892)0 Mass
Mattione Update 09132012 KStarZeroMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600.png
Mattione Update 09132012 KStarZeroMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 KStarZeroMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
K1(1400)+ Mass
Mattione Update 09132012 K1400PlusMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600.png
Mattione Update 09132012 K1400PlusMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 K1400PlusMass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
h'2(2600) Mass
Mattione Update 09132012 hPrime2600Mass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600.png
Mattione Update 09132012 hPrime2600Mass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 hPrime2600Mass MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png

Cherenkov Detector Comparison

genr8 h'2(2600) Background

  • P vs. θ of π+'s as K+ candidates ("All" means all post-analysis cuts, pre-Cherenkov cuts)
    • Plots are shown for "Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit" only.
Design  % of Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Survive Kaon Cut
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus All MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
He DC a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Gas Threshold a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
LHCb RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png

  • P vs. θ of π-'s as K- candidates ("All" means all post-analysis cuts, pre-Cherenkov cuts)
    • Plots are shown for "Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit" only.
Design  % of Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Survive Kaon Cut
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus All MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
He DC a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Gas Threshold a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
LHCb RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bkgnd.png

bggen Background

  • P vs. θ of π+'s as K+ candidates ("All" means all post-analysis cuts, pre-Cherenkov cuts)
    • Plots are shown for "Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit" only.
Design  % of Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Survive Kaon Cut
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus All MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
He DC a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Gas Threshold a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
LHCb RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus FailedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiPlusPassKPlus PassedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png

  • P vs. θ of π-'s as K- candidates ("All" means all post-analysis cuts, pre-Cherenkov cuts)
    • Plots are shown for "Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit" only.
Design  % of Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Fail Kaon Cut Pions That Survive Kaon Cut
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus All MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
He DC a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedHeDC MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Gas Threshold a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedGasThresh MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
LHCb RICH a% Survive, b% Fail
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus FailedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png
Mattione Update 09132012 PVsTheta PiMinusPassKMinus PassedLHCbRICH MissingP VertexP4KinFit hPrime2600bggen.png

Yields %'s

  • ALL yield %'s are determined in the signal region (track combinations with invariant mass outside of the signal region are ignored)

genr8 h'2(2600) Signal Events

  •  % of generated events remaining after all cuts (including a final cut requiring that all tracks have the correct THROWN PID)
Missing p, No KinFit Missing p, P4 KinFit Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit No Missing, No KinFit No Missing, P4 KinFit No Missing, VertexP4 KinFit
3.08% 2.69% d% e%

  •  % of BAD reconstructed combos remaining (BAD combo: a combo where at least one track has the wrong THROWN PID)
Stage Missing p, No KinFit Missing p, P4 KinFit Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit No Missing, No KinFit No Missing, P4 KinFit No Missing, VertexP4 KinFit
w/o CKOV 1.44% 0.57% e% f%
He DC 1.27% 0.46% e% f%
Gas Thresh. 1.32% 0.49% e% f%
RICH (Yi) 1.08% 0.35% e% f%
LHCb RICH 1.06% 0.34% e% f%

genr8 h'2(2600) Background Events

  •  % of reconstructed combos remaining
Stage Missing p, No KinFit Missing p, P4 KinFit Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit No Missing, No KinFit No Missing, P4 KinFit No Missing, VertexP4 KinFit
w/o CKOV b% c% e% f%
He DC b% c% e% f%
Gas Thresh. b% c% e% f%
RICH (Yi) b% c% e% f%
LHCb RICH b% c% e% f%

bggen Background Events

  •  % of reconstructed combos remaining
Stage Missing p, No KinFit Missing p, P4 KinFit Missing p, VertexP4 KinFit No Missing, No KinFit No Missing, P4 KinFit No Missing, VertexP4 KinFit
w/o CKOV b% c% e% f%
He DC b% c% e% f%
Gas Thresh. b% c% e% f%
RICH (Yi) b% c% e% f%
LHCb RICH b% c% e% f%