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November 8, 2012 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • First package testing (Vlad)
  2. Corrosion tests, corroded solder on Viton sample (Vlad)
  3. Engineering (Bill)
    • Bubbler issue and pressure control [1]
  4. Electronics (Chris, Nick)
  5. Third package tests FDC E-log (Beni, Simon)
    • Moving to Blue Crab?
  6. Other


Participants: Bill, Dave, Chris, Nick, Vlad, Simon, Beni, and Lubomir.


- Casey and Tina strung wire frame #30 on Saturday. Dave put the Kapton dots and did position measurements. Casey will come again this Saturday to glue the wires. Anatoly is preparing the old cathode frames for package #2 and will finish soon.

- Vlad is testing package #1. Currents on cell #4 300nA, #3 350nA, #2 170nA, #1 (just started) 500nA. For comparison 3 weeks ago we had 900nA on cell #4. All the channels so far are working fine. Vlad found two pre-amps oscillating.

Cathode corrosion test

- The testing chamber was opened. Sample #1 EPDM (failed after 12 days), Sample #2 Viton (failed after 4 days), Sample #3 Viton+Apiezon didn't fail. After closer look at Sample #2 it turned out that the solder on one side of the trace corroded, or was somehow damaged during soldering and later at this high temperature and humidity it failed. In gas EPDM failed after 8/10 days (we had two samples). So maybe it is only the EPDM itself responsible for the corrosion. The good news: no corrosion observed yet when using Viton. Also, the fail of sample #2 indicates problems when soldering on the thin copper; good we didn't do it!
