Hovanes' proposal for crate naming

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This scheme follows the original Hall B crate naming scheme.

  • Each major detector component will have a number of crates named based on its GlueX name, followed by one or two digits specifying the number of the crate.
  • If more than one detector component is a part of one crate only one name is assigned, probably larger one.
  • Number assignment with respect to the geographical location (the map) will need to be created out before requesting IP names.
  • In the table below I separated the crates with the JLab discriminators from the other crates, but we can associate them with the detector subsystem as well.

Detector Crate Names Possible modules
TAGM/TAGH tag1 - tag3 fADC250/F1TDC
PS/PSC/ST ps1 - ps4 fADC250/F1TDC
TRIG trg1 - trg2 GTP/TS/TD
BCAL bcal1 - bcal12 fADC250/F1TDC
CDC cdc1 - cdc4 fADC125
FDC fdc1 - fdc14 fADC125/F1TDC
TOF tof1 - tof2 fADC250/CAEN TDC
FCAL fcal1 -fcal12 fADC250
DISC disc1 -disc8 JLab Discriminators