Subversion to Git Conversion: Notes on the Details

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Revision as of 10:40, 6 August 2015 by Marki (Talk | contribs)

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Main reference: svn2git README file, hereafter referred to as README.


Install svn2git

Follow instructions in README.

Prepare Translation of Author Information

  • Used an "authors" file in /home/marki/.svn2git as described in README.
  • Wrote script to extract all usernames in the "halld" group at JLab. Creates email address by appending "" in all cases.

Subversion State at Conversion

The last revision in the Subversion repository before conversion: Rev 19042 2015-07-15 17:35:06

The Procedure

  1. Delete the practice repositories on GitHub.
  2. Create a blank repository to receive the converted repository on GitHub.
  3. Make a copy of the complete Subversion repository on the local disk with rsync.
  4. Use svn2git to do the conversion using the local-disk-resident version of the Subversion repository.
  5. In the resulting git repository, delete branches and tags not related to the package, as well as all "@revision" branches and tags.
  6. Clone a bare copy of the repository (--bare option).
  7. Push the bare copy to the GitHub repository with the --mirror option.
  8. Add repositories to the list of those owned by the gluex team on GitHub.

The sim-recon conversion with svn2git took about 8 hours. Hdds took about 20 hours.

Command Syntax

The magic command to convert from subversion to git:

cd /path/to/conversion
svn2git --no-minimize-url -v --trunk trunk/sim-recon --branches branches --tags tags

To prepare local repository for import to GitHub:

cd /path/to/clone
git clone --bare file:///path/to/conversion

To do the import, from the local host:

cd /path/to/clone/conversion.git git push --mirror