April 3, 2017

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Revision as of 09:55, 3 April 2017 by Somov (Talk | contribs)

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  • Loose end from the Spring 2017 run
Final check of the fadc250 firmware
- Installed on all fadc crates
F1TDC initialization issues (32 ns time shift)
Understanding performance at high rate
- busy distribution (possible crashes at high data rate)
- performance of CAEN TDCs
Emulation of the trigger algorithm

  • Topics for summer
implementing SSP/GTP readout (Ben)
calibration constants for fadc250 (new firmware)
further optimization of the L1 algorithm for high-lumi runs
TOF trigger
- already implemented (FDC alignment, hi-pt meson production)
- may require some modification (specs)
- test with Play Back
F1TDC firmware modification
- (suppression headers)
L1 trigger simulation