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This provides a very brief overview of the data to paper processing pipeline.

Raw data – halld_recon

  • Raw data is taken in EVIO file format and processed using programs in halld_recon. (Mark)
  • Calibration databases are RCDB and CCDB.
  • hd_root is used with plugins for event reconstruction, monitoring, calibration and to make REST files (Mark)
  • REST files are in HDDM format (physics quantities, no detector hit information). (Richard)

Simulated data - halld_sim

  • Simulated data are in HDDM format. (Richard)
  • Event generators generates simulated physics data (particle, momentum, track angle) (Simon & Malte)
  • hdgeant4 models the measurements (detector hits) produced by those tracks (Richard)
  • mcsmear models the detector resolution which makes the measurements less exact. (Richard)
  • MCWrapper runs the above on demand. (Sean)

Reaction channel analysis

  • ReactionFilter plugin is used to find the events corresponding to a particular reaction to make Analysis Trees. (Beni)
  • Requests for analysis trees are bundled together into launches, to generates the trees together. (Alex A)

Analysis Tree analysis

  • DSelectors are used to apply filters to the data and generate histograms of invariant mass etc. (Beni)
  • FSRoot is an alternative to DSelectors that uses flat trees.
  • AmpTools is used for partial wave analysis (Malte)