Run Planning Meeting Notes, July 21- July 27, 2022

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Back to Run Coordination Meetings:Summer2022

Meeting are via ZoomGov: connect (Meeting ID: 160 199 0060 / Passcode 8394)

MCC whiteboard

Hall D counting room white board

Spreadsheet with list of runs

Wednesday July 20

Past 24 hours

Shift Reports


Issues and Features


  • Accelerator maintenance day.
    • Ramp down solenoid to 0 A to do cryogenic maintenance. (Tim coordinating with Jonathan Creel)
    • Investigation of ROCFDC11 Slot 19 FADC125?
    • Investigate FMWPC gas supply?
    • FCAL bases maintenance
    • Safety Walkthrough at 12:30 pm. Sign up.
    • Take Harp Scans. Solenoid should be back 7-8 pm.
    • Continue running with Empty Target

Tuesday July 19

Past 24 hours

  • Production on Full Pb target 30 nA (~2.8 B events)
  • At noon ROCFDC11 Slot 19 failed to respond and Sergey took the module out of the configuration. A hall access was not able to fix the problem. (Issue is ongoing)
  • At about 2 am, Flas250 module in FCAL died. Chris Stanislav replaced it at about 7:30 this morning. Sergey is getting DAQ back up.
  • MCC whiteboard - Maintenance Day on Wednesday

Shift Reports


Issues and Features


  • Production data on Full Pb target
  • Accelerator will do a 1 hr test plan at 10 am.
  • Change to Empty Target
  • Tomorrow:
    • Safety Walkthrough at 12:30 pm
    • Investigation of ROCFDC11 Slot 19 FADC125?
    • Possible ramp down of solenoid to 800 A to do cryogenic maintenance.

Monday July 18

Past 24 hours

  • Production on Full Pb target 30 nA (~3.4 B events)
  • Hall C now running at 65 uA. Total beam trips 16/hr, RF trips 10/hr, which is fairly good.
  • MCC whiteboard - Maintenance Day on Wednesday
  • Doug: Request for schedule update is in progress. Official approval underway; no issues expected.

Shift Reports

(Proposed) Guidelines

  • Half-wave plate changes: End the current run. Make a separate log entry indicating new position of HWP (in/out). Start a new run
  • Day shift: Check FMWPC gas pressure. Make a separate log entry with current pressure.


Issues and Features


  • Production data on Full Pb target
  • Decide when to go to Empty Target

Sunday July 17

Past 24 hours

  • Production on Full Pb target 30 nA (~2.1 B events)
  • Hall C is now running at 65 uA.
  • Accelerator problems in the evening
    • Evening temperatures impacted cooling in building #38 (South Linac - east end). Supplementary cooling was added and stabilized the situation, but facilities may need to help with additional cooling. The are indicators of challenges of running through the summer.
    • Thunderstorms affect operation; root causes are not known. Possible causes (Jay): 1. u-phonics induced by the thunderstorms, C-100 cryomodules not adequately damped for 10-80 Hz vibrations, coupled to waveguides to upstairs. 2. Imperfect grounding. 3. micros electrical discharges affecting low level RF. 4. Long helix master RF cable running to south linac in water-filled trough.

Shift Reports


Issues and Features

  • Stability of beam position at Active Collimator
  • Add the TOF and CTOF trigger rates to EPICs/archiver
  • (Minor) DAQ problems Early Riser Sat, Owl Sunday


  • Production data on Full Pb target

Saturday July 16

Past 24 hours

Shift Reports


Issues and Features


  • Production data on Full Pb target

Friday July 15

Past 24 hours

  • RF Recovery Day
    • Productive Recovery
    • Slow orbit drifts investigated. Source: changing up of a screen. Longterm solution will be implemented with long shutdown, requires vacuum work. Short-term: increase apertures, possibly this weekend.
    • Restoring to more stable configuration. Delivered 70 uA to Hall C for short period and ran 48 uA overnight.
    • RF trips at about 13 trips/hr.
  • Maintenance
  • Program when beam comes back
  • Solenoid ramped up to 1350 A (Tim)
  • Beam back about 9 pm.
  • Production on Empty target 30 nA (~0.08 B events)
  • Production on Empty target 60 nA (~1 B events)

Shift Reports


Issues and Features


  • Need about 6 hours to complete present cycle on empty target.
  • Insert Full Target Pb (mid afternoon)
  • Change SD card in FDC crate if Cody is available.
  • Harp scans
  • Production

Thursday July 21

Past 24 hours

  • ROCFDC11 Slot 19 FADC125 (possibly) repaired
  • Solenoid ramping back up

Shift Reports



  • Continue data taking on empty target