SRC/CT Physics Analysis

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Revision as of 15:20, 9 January 2023 by Boyu (Talk | contribs) (Version 01)

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Analysis launch

  • Analyze the reconstructed data and skim it down with the hypothesis of a specific reaction using the ReactionFilter plugin
  • Introduction to the plugin and reaction definition:
  • Another plugin monitoring_hists is also included for data quality check. For simulation data, mcthrown_tree plugin also needs to be added
  • Input reconstructed (REST) files: /mss/halld/RunPeriod-2021-11/recon
  • Output physics analysis root trees (PART) and histograms: /mss/halld/RunPeriod-2021-11/analysis

Version 01

  • REST version: monitoring version 02
  • Software stack: version_5.3.0.xml
  • Special settings:
TRKFIT:HYPOTHESES 2,3,8,9,11,12,14,15  
  • Batch 01, deuterium target, TB, finished on 02/22/2022
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_45__1_1_m45 B4 tree_ggmissd__B4 Jackson
2 1_45__1_1_8_9_m45 B4 tree_ggpippimmissd__B4 Jackson
  • Batch 02, helium target, TB, finished on
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_47__1_1_m47 B4_S0 Jackson
2 1_47__1_1_8_9_m47 B4_S0 Jackson
  • Batch 03, carbon target, TB, finished on
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_67__1_1_m67 B4_S0 Jackson
2 1_67__1_1_8_9_m67 B4_S0 Jackson

Version 02

  • REST version:
  • Software stack:
  • Started on:
  • List of reactions:

Version 03

  • REST version: reconstruction version 01
  • Software stack: version_5.8.0.xml
  • Batch 01, deuterium and empty target, 30.2 TB
Special settings:
COMBO_IMCUT:Low_7      0.05
COMBO_IMCUT:High_7     0.21
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_45__7_9_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gd_pi0pimprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S2 3.4 TB Jackson
2 1_45__7_9_14_m14 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gd_pi0pimprotmissprot__B4_F4_T2_S2 2.3 TB Jackson
3 1_45__7_9_14_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_pi0pimprotprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S2 539.0 GB Jackson
4 1_45__7_9_14_14 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_pi0pimprotprot__B4_F4_T1_S2 23.5 GB Jackson
5 1_45__2_3_m0 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gd_epeminc__B4_F4_T2_S2 626.5 GB Jackson
6 1_45__2_3_m45 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gd_epemmissd__B4_F4_T2_S2 1.1 TB Jackson
7 1_45__2_3_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_epemprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S2 259.0 GB Jackson
8 1_45__2_3_14_m13 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_epemprotmissn__B4_F4_T1_S2 95.2 GB Jackson
9 1_45__17_14_m0 17__1_1 B4_F0_T2_S3 tree_gd_etaprotinc__eta_gg__B4_F0_T2_S3 781.8 GB Tim
10 1_45__17_14_m13 17__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3 tree_gd_etaprotmissn__eta_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3 565.5 GB Tim
11 1_45__17_14_m13 17__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3_M17 tree_gd_etaprotmissn__eta_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3_M17 541.9 GB Tim
12 1_45__7_14_m0 7__1_1 B4_F0_T2_S3 tree_gd_pi0protinc__pi0_gg__B4_F0_T2_S3 1.9 TB Tim
13 1_45__7_14_m13 7__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3 tree_gd_pi0protmissn__pi0_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3 1.1 TB Tim
14 1_45__7_14_m13 7__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3_M7 tree_gd_pi0protmissn__pi0_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3_M7 1.0 TB Tim
15 1_45__8_9_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gd_pippimprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 4.6 TB Phoebe and Bhesha
16 1_45__8_9_14_m13 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gd_pippimprotmissn__B4_F4_T2_S5 3.3 TB Phoebe and Bhesha
17 1_45__11_12_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gd_kpkmprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 1.6 TB Bo
18 1_45__11_12_14_m13 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gd_kpkmprotmissn__B4_F4_T2_S5 1.8 TB Bo
19 1_45__9_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S4 tree_gd_pimprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S4 2.7 TB Logan and Bo
20 1_45__9_14_m14 B4_F4_T1_S4 tree_gd_pimprotmissprot__B4_F4_T1_S4 1.2 TB Logan and Bo
21 1_45__9_14_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S4 tree_gd_pimprotprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S4 684.6 GB Logan
22 1_45__9_14_14 B4_F4_T1_S4 tree_gd_pimprotprot__B4_F4_T1_S4 21.5 GB Logan
  • Batch 02, carbon and empty target, 74.0 TB
Special settings:
COMBO_IMCUT:Low_7      0.05
COMBO_IMCUT:High_7     0.21
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_67__7_9_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gc12_pi0pimprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S2 6.5 TB Jackson
2 1_67__7_9_14_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gc12_pi0pimprotprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S2 1.4 TB Jackson
3 1_67__2_3_m0 B4_F4_T2_S2 tree_gc12_epeminc__B4_F4_T2_S2 1.2 TB Jackson
4 1_67__2_3_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gc12_epemprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S2 486.0 GB Jackson
5 1_67__2_3_14_14_m0 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gc12_epemprotprotinc__B4_F4_T1_S2 191.1 GB Jackson
6 1_67__2_3_m67 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gc12_epemmissc12__B4_F4_T1_S2 1.3 TB Jackson
7 1_45__2_3_14_m13 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_epemprotmissn__B4_F4_T1_S2 210.5 GB Jackson
8 1_67__8_9_14_m66 B4_F4_T1_S4 tree_gc12_pippimprotmissb11__B4_F4_T1_S4 10.1 TB Bhesha
9 1_67__8_9_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gc12_pippimprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 9.3 TB Bhesha and Phoebe
10 1_67__8_9_14_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gc12_pippimprotprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 3.5 TB Phoebe
11 1_67__17_14_m0 17__1_1 B4_F0_T2_S3 tree_gc12_etaprotinc__eta_gg__B4_F0_T2_S3 1.6 TB Tim
12 1_67__17_14_m66 17__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3_M17 tree_gc12_etaprotmissb11__eta_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3_M17 4.9 TB Tim
13 1_67__17_14_14_m0 17__1_1 B4_F4_T1_S3_M17 tree_gc12_etaprotprotinc__eta_gg__B4_F4_T1_S3_M17 1.4 TB Tim
14 1_67__17_14_14_m66 17__1_1 B4_F4_T1_S3_M17 tree_gc12_etaprotprotmissb11__eta_gg__B4_F4_T1_S3_M17 1.3 TB Tim
15 1_67__7_14_m0 7__1_1 B4_F0_T2_S3 tree_gc12_pi0protinc__pi0_gg__B4_F0_T2_S3 3.9 TB Tim
16 1_67__7_14_m66 7__1_1 B4_F4_T2_S3_M7 tree_gc12_pi0protmissb11__pi0_gg__B4_F4_T2_S3_M7 12.7 TB Tim
17 1_67__7_14_14_m0 7__1_1 B4_F4_T1_S3_M7 tree_gc12_pi0protprotinc__pi0_gg__B4_F4_T1_S3_M7 2.8 GB Tim
18 1_67__7_14_14_m66 7__1_1 B4_F4_T1_S3_M7 tree_gc12_pi0protprotmissb11__pi0_gg__B4_F4_T1_S3_M7 3.2 TB Tim
19 1_67__11_12_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gc12_kpkmprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 3.5 TB Bo
20 1_67__9_14_m0 B4_F4_T2_S5 tree_gc12_pimprotinc__B4_F4_T2_S5 8.8 TB Bo

Version 04

  • REST version: reconstruction version 01
  • Software stack: version_5.8.0.xml
  • Batch 01, deuterium and empty target, 1.5 TB, finished on 12/17/2022
Special settings:
COMBO_MM2CUT:Low_0     -1 
COMBO_MM2CUT:High_0    1
No. Reaction Decay Flags Tree name Size Requested by
1 1_45__35_14_m13 B4_F4_T1_S2_M35 tree_gd_etaprprotmissn__B4_F4_T1_S2_M35 238.1 GB Tim
2 1_45__35_14_m13 B4_F4_T1_S2_M35_M17 tree_gd_etaprprotmissn__B4_F4_T1_S2_M35_M17 244.4 GB Tim
3 1_45__35_14_m13 35__7_7_17 B4_F4_T1_S2_M35 tree_gd_etaprprotmissn__etapr_pi0pi0eta__B4_F4_T1_S2_M35 515.7 GB Tim
4 1_45__35_14_m13 35__7_7_17 B4_F4_T1_S2_M35_M17_M7 tree_gd_etaprprotmissn__etapr_pi0pi0eta__B4_F4_T1_S2_M35_M17_M7 388.8 GB Tim
5 1_45__2_3_45 B4_F4_T1_S2 tree_gd_epemd__B4_F4_T1_S2 131.7 GB Jackson