Controls Meeting 27-Jun-2024
From GlueXWiki
- Announcements
- Solenoid status
- Power outage lessons
- PLC-s (Bobby)
- EPICS (Hovanes)
- PLC developments (Bobby, Josh)
- ECAL chillers
- Chiller power
- Flow monitoring
- Dark room environment sensors
- Fan control and fan status monitoring
- ECAL HV crate resets and HV board interlocks
- EPICS screens & L5X file
- Archiving and alarms for PLC-based PVs
- ECAL chillers
- ECAL and FCAL voltage controls (Hovanes)
- ECAL LED pulser controls (Hovanes)
- Linux version for servers hosting EPICS IOC-s (RHEL7 ⟶ RHEL9) (Hovanes)
- New beam profiler
- Other items
10:00am Thursday 27-June-2024