Event generators

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The following set of event generators create sets of four-vectors for particles to be passed through the simulation and reconstruction chain:

  • genr8 uses a simple t-channel model for quickly generating final states of interest
  • genEtaRegge (usage) generates η(′) photo-production events on a proton target using the Laget Regge model
  • bggen generates hadronic background events on a proton target using PYTHIA extended by a set of 10 common reactions for Eγ < 3 GeV
  • gen_amp uses an AmpTools configuration file as an input. It can generate events according to the amplitude model and parameter values defined in the configuration file, or alternatively phase space distributed ( = "flat") events for the defined reaction. The latter is needed as input for amplitude fits.
  • gen_amp_v2 this is a revision of gen_amp and works in a similar fashion. The emphasis on this piece is code is properly generating the phase space for multi-body final states. This is generally useful when multiple particles are produced at the upper (meson) and/or lower (baryon) vertex. This generator could be helpful for any analysis where a fit of the invariant mass spectrum of multiple particles is needed.
  • EvtGen is used to simulate particle decays.