PAC Proposals

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PAC Proposals

JLab PAC page
Complimentary info on GlueX Private Wiki

PAC 52 (2024)

2024 July 8-12 JLab Webpage

  • New proposal for Hall D
    1. E12-12-002A Run Group Addition: Measurement of α- for Λ→p π-
    2. PR12-24-006 GlueX-III: a path to the Luminosity Frontier in Hall D
  • LOI for Hall D
    1. LOI12-24-001 Hadron spectroscopy with a polarized target at GlueX in Hall D - From the strange to the charm sector

PAC 51 (2023)

2023 July 24-28 JLab Webpage

  • LOIs for Hall D
    1. LOI12-23-004 A measurement of double-polarization photoproduction on various nuclei GlueX DocDB
    2. LOI12-23-007 A path to the luminosity frontier in Hall D GlueX DocDB
    3. LOI12-23-010 Charmonium photoproduction with GlueX GlueX DocDB

PAC 48 (2020)

2020 August 10-14 Indico link

  • Full list of proposals to PAC48
  • New proposal for Hall D
    1. PR12-20-011 Measurement of the high energy contribution to Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule GlueX DocDB
  • Run Group addition
    1. E12-13-008A Measuring the Neutral Pion Polarizability GlueX DocDB
  • Jeopardy review
    1. E12-12-002 An update on the GlueX II and Jefferson Lab Eta Factory experiments GlueX DocDB
    2. E12-13-008 Measuring the Charged Pion Polarizability in the γγ -> π+π- Reaction GlueX DocDB

PAC 47

2019 July 29-August 2

  • Proposals for Hall D:
    1. PR12-19-003 Studying Short-Range Correlations with Real Photon Beams at GlueX   GlueX DocDB

PAC 46

2018 July 16-19

  • Proposals for Hall D (open info, for more info see Private Wiki page):
    1. PR12-18-001 Photoproduction of vector mesons on nuclei with GlueX detector   GlueX DocDB
    2. PR12-18-002 Strange Spectroscopy with a Secondary KL Beam at GlueX   GlueX DocDB

PAC 45

2017 July 10-14

  • Proposals for Hall D (open info, for more info see Private Wiki page):
    1. C12-14-004 JEF Experiment   GlueX DocDB
    2. PR12-17-001 Strange Spectroscopy with a Secondary KL Beam at GlueX   GlueX DocDB
    3. PR12-17-007 Probing QCD in the nuclear medium with real photons and nuclear targets at GlueX   GlueX DocDB
    4. PR12-17-010 Photoproduction of vector mesons on nuclei with GlueX   GlueX DocDB

PAC 43

PAC 43: July 6-10, 2015

  1. LOI12-15-006 GlueX DocDb Study photoproduction of ω mesons on nuclei with the GlueX detector.
  2. LOI12-15-001 GlueX DocDb Physics Opportunities with secondary K_L beam at JLab.

PAC 42

PAC 42: July 28-31, 2014 The Report from PAC 42.

  1. PR-12-002 A study of meson and baryon decays to strange final states with GlueX
    1. GlueX Proposal on DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation
  2. PR-14-004 Eta Decays with Emphasis on Rare Neutral Modes
    1. JEF Proposal on DocDB
    2. JEF PAC presentation

PAC 40

PAC 40: June 17-21, 2013. The Report from PAC 40.

  1. PR-13-003 An initial study of mesons and baryons containing strange quarks with GlueX
    1. GlueX Proposal on DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDB
  2. PR-13-004 Rare eta-decay Proposal.
    1. JEF Proposal on DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDB
  3. PR-13-008 Measuring the Charged Pion Polarizability in the γγ -> π+π- reaction
    1. Polarizability Proposal on DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDB

PAC 39

PAC 39: June 18-22, 2012. The Report from PAC 39.

  1. PR-12-002 A study of meson and baryon decays to strange final states with GlueX
    1. GlueX Proposal on DocDb
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDb
  2. PR-12-003 Rare eta-decay Proposal
    1. JEF DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDB
  3. LOI12-12-001 GlueX DocDb Pion Polarizability Letter of Intent
  4. LOI12-12-002 GlueX DocDb Rare decay η->e+e- Letter of Intent

PAC 36

PAC 36: August 23-25, 2010. The Report from PAC 36.

  1. PR-06-102 Update to PAC 36 on the GlueX Proposal
    1. GlueX Proposal on DocDB
    2. PAC Presentation on DocDB

PAC 35

PAC 35: January 25-29, 2010. The Report from PAC 35.

  1. PR-10-011 PrimEx Proposal
    1. PrimEx Proposal

PAC 30

PAC 30: August 21-25, 2006. The Report from PAC 30.

  1. PR-06-102 GlueX DocDBOriginal GlueX Proposal to the PAC