Start Counter Operations 2023

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Start Counter Operations Winter 2023

looking at the dEdx data of the start counter one can come to several conclusions:

  • there is a noticible slope indicating a diminishing gain over time
  • there are two distinctive "lines" that with the second one at a somewhat lower gain. This can be readily identified with AMO radiator runs. Why this whould cause a different gain in the Start counter is unclear. It is true that the photon flux is somewhat lower than for the Diamond radiator runs since the electron beam current was the same.
  • the changes in gain seem to not just change gradually but the seem to have some "step" function aspect to it. And rather than looking at a gradual change over time one can identify sections of times where the gain was rather constant.
  • the overall gain reduction from the start of the run period to the end is of order 1.7%, so it is not as dramatic as the plot may suggest (y-scale).

Sc dedx winter20203.png

Examples of Paddle to Paddle variations

As an example of the paddle to paddle variation run 120988 was chosen to demonstrate the similar behavior of the start counter as in the run period of 2017 but at lower "gain":
RAW data:
Scamps rawdata run120988.gif
Renormalized to mean gain:
Scamps normalized run120988.gif

Average means

The variation of the gain is rather small over the run period. The mean start counter signal amplitude is rather stable as demonstrated in the following plot, and certainly much more stable than the run period 2017 but is about 23% lower response than at the start of run period 2017.
Sc RelativeGains 2023.gif