July 9, 2009 Calorimetry

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

  • EVO session
  • Phone:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 39527048# (remember the "#")

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

  1. Resolution studies
    • Study impact of inactive material at the end of BCAL on acceptance.
  2. Documentation on fiber first-article
  3. Review calibration procedures
  4. Update cost estimates
    • light guides (USM)
    • temperature stabilization (Tim and Fernando)
    • summing circuits for SiPMs (Fernando)
  5. Impact of gain variations on resolution (especially for summed SiPMs) (Elton)

Documents to Review

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Calibration (George Voulgaris): Summary
  4. BCAL Fabrication (Zisis)
  5. FCAL Update
    • MOU, sow (Elton, Matt)
  6. Simulations (Sasha)
    • Backgrounds from Cerenkov light
    • Acceptance loss due to light guides
  7. BCAL Readout
    1. Update from USM (Will)
    2. Cost comparisons (Elton)
    3. Discussion of Bcal Readout Review (July 21)
      1. Stefano Miscetti can participate in the review via video. A test of ESNET connection yesterday was very successful.
      2. Other reviewers? (Stepan Stepanyan and Howard Fenker ?)
      3. Tentative schedule: July 10: pre-brief material, July 16: slides for presentations.
      4. Tentative Agenda Topics: BCAL Readout Review
  8. Other business

