July 9, 2009 Calorimetry

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

  • ESNET and EVO session
  • Phone:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Note: code changed 7/2/09

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

  1. Procedure to avoid vaseline in Bcal fabrication needs to be approved.
  2. Resolve shipping procedures for Baby Cal.
  3. Resolution studies
    • Study impact of inactive material at the end of BCAL on acceptance. (Mihajlo and Sasha)
  4. Documentation on fiber first-article
  5. Review calibration procedures
  6. Update cost estimates
    • light guides (USM)
    • temperature stabilization (Tim and Fernando)
    • summing circuits for SiPMs (Fernando)
  7. Impact of gain variations on resolution (especially for summed SiPMs) (Elton)

Documents to Review

  1. Table matrix of Criteria for Bcal Readout

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. BCAL Fabrication (Zisis)
    • Contract status, etc: see report at bottom of page
  4. BCAL Fiber QA: Media:FiberQA-20090709v2.pdf
  5. FCAL Update
    • MOU, sow (Elton, Matt)
  6. Simulations
  7. BCAL Readout
    1. Update from USM (Alam)
  8. Bcal Readout Review (July 21)
    1. Reviewers: Stefano Miscetti (INFN) via video, Stepan Stepanyan (Hall B) and Howard Fenker (Hall C)
    2. Tentative schedule: July 10: pre-brief material, July 16: slides for presentations.
    3. Discussion of which option to put forward
  9. Other business



BCAL Construction Report

(Provided by ZP)

  1. Full BCAL Construction Contract Proposal revised by Regina and submitted to JLab on July 6.
  2. Construction preparations:
    • Main construction room installations complete (pressure lines, electrical). Room will be cleaned and returned to operation by Monday.
    • Press manifold adjusted to come done more gently.
    • Press frame rams retrofitted with ball-and-socket attachments at end ('lunar lander' feet) for more even delivery of pressure. A few more small samples will be constructed before finalizing swager and press settings.
    • A-frame hoist constructed; delivery expected by Monday.
    • Awaiting first article lead (Tim can add to this). Will swage remaining Beaufait lead early next week and then we will have 3/4 of lead ready for Construction Prorotype.
    • Swager room is near completion. Two coats of paint and one overhead light to be installed. Will be done by Friday.
    • Epoxy-blocker compounds (KY jelly, Fresh or Cooked pasta) used in small samples and delamination tests are in progress. Hope to report results by next Calorimetry meeting.
    • fiber sorting table will be completed early next week (just needs partial dismantling and Cu sheet installation.
    • Ross Machine Shop is finishing a major overhaul of their big machine; we're first in queue for Construction Prototype Al plates (DWG drawing files obtained from Tim)
    • All other materials in place for Construction Prototype.
  3. Fibers (see above report)
    • Fiber QA lab complete and in full operation, with attenuation length, no of pe, and diameter measurements going on in parallel.
    • Fiber handling methods improved since first article tests, have had no damaged fibers since (4 damaged first article ones)
    • Second shipment of 33,000 fibers received July 2
    • Measurements for 20-25 first article fibers were repeated with final methods, results complete and consistent, in report already, draft expected soon
    • First shipment measurements finished: 180 fibers on atten length, 60 on no of pe, excellent quality fibers.
    • Second shipment measurements underway, 50 fibers tested as of today on p.e., 70 on attenuation length, results of same quality as shipment 1.
  4. Crew
    • Dan Kolybaba spending a lot of time on our project, even in his current position; Keith Wolbaum assisting (Fac of Science people)
    • 5th physics ugrad added to crew on July 2.
    • 4 ugrad Engineers on 12-month internships have signed on, starting Sept 1. One more grad student Engineer/CoOp for 8 month term. 6th position staffed by two physics students (working on summer crew) in part time roles. We're ok for next 12 months. BIG RELIEF!