July 9, 2009 Calorimetry
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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
- Phone:
- +1-800-377-8846 : US
- +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
- +1-302-709-8424 : International
- then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Note: code changed 7/2/09
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
- Procedure to avoid vaseline in Bcal fabrication needs to be approved.
- Resolve shipping procedures for Baby Cal.
Resolution studies- Study impact of inactive material at the end of BCAL on acceptance. (Mihajlo and Sasha)
- Documentation on fiber first-article
- Review calibration procedures
- Update cost estimates
- light guides (USM)
- temperature stabilization (Tim and Fernando)
summing circuits for SiPMs (Fernando)
Impact of gain variations on resolution (especially for summed SiPMs) (Elton)
Documents to Review
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- BCAL Fabrication (Zisis)
- Contract status, etc: see report at bottom of page
- BCAL Fiber QA: Media:FiberQA-20090709v2.pdf
- FCAL Update
- MOU, sow (Elton, Matt)
- Simulations
- BCAL Readout
- Update from USM (Alam)
- Bcal Readout Review (July 21)
- Reviewers: Stefano Miscetti (INFN) via video, Stepan Stepanyan (Hall B) and Howard Fenker (Hall C)
- Tentative schedule: July 10: pre-brief material, July 16: slides for presentations.
- Discussion of which option to put forward
- Other business
BCAL Construction Report
(Provided by ZP)
- Full BCAL Construction Contract Proposal revised by Regina and submitted to JLab on July 6.
- Construction preparations:
- Main construction room installations complete (pressure lines, electrical). Room will be cleaned and returned to operation by Monday.
- Press manifold adjusted to come done more gently.
- Press frame rams retrofitted with ball-and-socket attachments at end ('lunar lander' feet) for more even delivery of pressure. A few more small samples will be constructed before finalizing swager and press settings.
- A-frame hoist constructed; delivery expected by Monday.
- Awaiting first article lead (Tim can add to this). Will swage remaining Beaufait lead early next week and then we will have 3/4 of lead ready for Construction Prorotype.
- Swager room is near completion. Two coats of paint and one overhead light to be installed. Will be done by Friday.
- Epoxy-blocker compounds (KY jelly, Fresh or Cooked pasta) used in small samples and delamination tests are in progress. Hope to report results by next Calorimetry meeting.
- fiber sorting table will be completed early next week (just needs partial dismantling and Cu sheet installation.
- Ross Machine Shop is finishing a major overhaul of their big machine; we're first in queue for Construction Prototype Al plates (DWG drawing files obtained from Tim)
- All other materials in place for Construction Prototype.
- Fibers (see above report)
- Fiber QA lab complete and in full operation, with attenuation length, no of pe, and diameter measurements going on in parallel.
- Fiber handling methods improved since first article tests, have had no damaged fibers since (4 damaged first article ones)
- Second shipment of 33,000 fibers received July 2
- Measurements for 20-25 first article fibers were repeated with final methods, results complete and consistent, in report already, draft expected soon
- First shipment measurements finished: 180 fibers on atten length, 60 on no of pe, excellent quality fibers.
- Second shipment measurements underway, 50 fibers tested as of today on p.e., 70 on attenuation length, results of same quality as shipment 1.
- Crew
- Dan Kolybaba spending a lot of time on our project, even in his current position; Keith Wolbaum assisting (Fac of Science people)
- 5th physics ugrad added to crew on July 2.
- 4 ugrad Engineers on 12-month internships have signed on, starting Sept 1. One more grad student Engineer/CoOp for 8 month term. 6th position staffed by two physics students (working on summer crew) in part time roles. We're ok for next 12 months. BIG RELIEF!