Oct 1, 2009 Calorimetry

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Revision as of 17:07, 18 September 2009 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Items for followup from previous meeting(s))

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Meeting will be dedicated to Calibration and Monitoring

Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

  • ESNET and EVO session
  • Phone:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Note: code changed 7/2/09

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

  1. Requirement of hardware gain matching of pmts for Fcal (and also Bcal)
  2. Fcal
    • John iterating on support frame. Key load-bearing tubes, currenlty Al, could they switch to iron? Tim needs to weigh in on this one.
    • Need to discuss strategy for fabrication of boards. Paul is concerned primarily about the HV board. We should include Fernando and Chris on the discussion for suggestion of production.
    • Fastrack schedule: Matt asked if Fasttrack has a facility for "resource leveling". Does anyone know?
    • Magnetic shield tests? (Tim needs to provide feedback)
    • Eugene: Fcal activity on calibration is scheduled to start next month. We need to formally address it. (Elton and Eugene)
  3. Bcal
    • Web page needs to be setup for communications. A mid-month report is also due. (Zisis)
    • Two components fit for fiber attenuation (Zisis)
  4. Bcal readout
    • Provide information on FM pmt cathode diameters (Elton)
    • Slide 8: Matt Suggestion: Plot efficiency vs. a specific angle to understand behavior. (Alam)
    • Review decision on the orientation of FM pmt relative to Bfield, including tolerances due to expected field changes. (Elton, Will, Alam, Pedro)

Documents to Review

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Calibration/Monitoring
  4. Fcal
  5. Bcal
  6. BCAL Readout
  7. Simulation
  8. Other business

