CDC Readiness Checklist

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DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT Central Drift Chamber Assembly Readiness Review Checklist DRAFT DRAFT DRAFT

The goal of the Central Drift Chamber Readiness Review is to assess whether the Carnegie Mellon University is ready to begin production of the fabrication of the Hall D Central Drift Chamber. Specifically the following questions need to be examined:

  1. Environment
    1. General
      • Are the MSDS information sheets available for all products used during production?
      • What support do you get from university EH&S services?
    2. Clean Room
  2. Procedures:
    1. Are all procedures for handling and inserting straws documented?
    2. Are all procedures for assembling straws documented?
    3. Guidance should be given for each of the steps in the fabrication procedure for ease of estimating completion times.
  3. Training:
    1. What are the training procedures for first-time workers in each of the areas where they will work?
    2. How is this documented?
  4. Acceptance Testing
    1. Endplates
    2. Straws
    3. Machined parts like Donuts, inserts etc.
    4. Inserted Straw
      • Which measurements, and what frequency is planned during assembly?
      • What documentation is recorded at each stage?
  5. Recovery Procedures
    1. What are the procedures for reporting an anomally in measurements?
    2. What are the procedures for rectifying any problems encountered during assembly? Is this documented?
  6. Acceptance Testing of completed module
    1. How are the dimensions checked and verified against drawings?
    2. How is the wire tension measured?
    3. How is the electrical contact between straw and end plate tested?
    4. What testing will be done to verify performance?
    5. How will the chamber be tested with cosmics?
  7. Tracking
    1. Are all travelers specified for the project?
    2. What information is recorded for the straws?
    3. What information is recorded for the wires?
    4. What information is recorded during assembly fabrication?
  8. Schedule
    1. How is the schedule tracked?
    2. Note: Time for completion of a given straw layer should be revisited after completion of the first few layers.
  9. Reporting
    1. Is the reporting chain to the project clear?

Contract Requirements

  1. Final Construction Plan
  2. Final Quality Assurance and Acceptance Test Plan

Testing and Tracking: Section 5 of the Statement of Work

SOW Section 4.0

The subcontractor shall prepare a quality assurance program as part of the proposal and shall furnish such documentation as JLab may require throughout the assembly process. The subcontractor shall conduct quality control procedures and tests in an effort to ensure the CDC will be assembled according to the document. This program shall contain (when applicable) the mechanism for: