Mar 11, 2010 Readout

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Revision as of 09:07, 11 March 2010 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Tentative Agenda)

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST

  • ESNET and EVO session
  • Phone in CC F326 is 757-269-6337
  • Phone:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
    • +1-302-709-8424 : International
    • then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Phone connection only upon request.

Items for followup from previous meeting

  1. Check with Hall B regarding U. of Washington neutron detectors (Elton). Neutron detectors were returned to UofW.
  2. Input/Decisions needed to finalize Bcal readout requirements (See also GlueX-doc-1373).
    • Specify the normalization and dynamic range for the number of photons/GeV in showers (Andrei to summarize MC results)
      • charged particles should also be included into the evaluation
    • Decide on specific grouping for SiPM sums Will do this on output of generated showers
    • Possibility of using air gap for SiPM coupling to light guide (Elton to write up results)
    • Finalize shapes of "Winston guides" Basic information in GlueX-doc-1432.

Documents to Review

    • See GlueX-doc-1300 Evaluation of Bcal Readout Options
    • See GlueX-doc-1301 Energy Resolution and Output Signals Simulation for Detailed-Structure BCAL Module Model

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Update - USM
  4. Simulation runs
  5. Geometry
  6. SiPM - Radiation test in Hall A (Yi)
  7. SiPM - Testing (Fernando)
    • Planning
    • Test station development with measurement parameters
    • Review & acceptance of test station
    • Preliminary verification tests & analysis of test station
    • Fabrication of two additional test stations for UR and JLab
    • Responsibilties
  8. SiPM - production testing (Fernando)
    • Schedules
  9. Light guides

