Apr 15, 2010 Calorimetry

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EDT

  • ESNET and EVO session
  • Phone in CC F326 is 757-269-6337
  • Phone in the Regina Videoconference Suite is 306-585-4204
  • Phone only if requested:
    • +1-800-377-8846 : US
    • +1-888-276-7715 : Canada
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    • then enter participant code: 77438230# (remember the "#"). Phone line by request only.

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

  1. Monitoring
    • Matt to coordinate with Christina on the shipment of glass blocks and pmts/dividers for monitoring system test.
    • Bcal: Testing to see if LED sources can be viewed by pmts on both sides of the module (UofR).
  2. Fcal
    • Decision on rad hard detectors
    • Finalize invoicing details for Fcal contract (Elton and Matt)

Table of Options DRAFT

Configurations for Fcal calorimter insert, assume sigma_E/E = c1/sqrt(E) + c2/E + c3, and sigma_x/x = sigma_y/y = q1/sqrt(E) + q2/E + q3.
Configuration Block Size (mm2) Length(MM) X0 (mm) Sum X0 Moliere Radius (mm) Delta SC (mm) Delta Pb (mm) c1 c2 c3 q1 q2 q3
Pb glass F8-00 40x40 40 31 12.9 43 - - 0.05 0 0.02 0.64 0 0
Pb glass F108 40x40 40 31? 12.9 43 - - 0.06 0 0.024 0.768 0 0
Shashlyk COMPAS 38x38 500 (392) 15.6 25 1.5 0.8 6 0 0 0.64 0 0
Shashlyk KOPIO PMT 110x110 525 34 15 59 1.5 0.25 3.59 1.1 0.9 0.64 0 0
Shashlyk KOPIO APD 110x110 525 34 15 59 1.5 0.25 2.77 1.7 0.27 0.64 0 0
PbWO4 PRIMEX 20.5x20.5 180 8.9 20 20 - - 2.6 - - 0.64 0 0

See Property Table from Eugene

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Calibration/Monitoring
  4. FCAL
    1. Construction status
    2. Readiness Review
    3. To shashlyk or not to shashlyk. Options (Elton) see Table.
  5. BCAL
    1. Construction Status
    2. Responsibility for BCAL reconstruction software
      • David Lawrence's talk at the April 6 Offline Meeting. Slide 2 summarizes history of BCAL reconstruction.
  6. Simulations
  7. Other Updates


Attendees: Mark, Fernnado, Elton, Beni, Lubomir, Eugene, Tim (JLab); Matt, Ryan (IU); Zisis, George, Andrei (UofR); Will (USM)

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
    • Matt has received shipping addresses from Christina. Glass will be shipped directly to Athens; the pmts bases to CERN.
    • Setup to test response to LEDs mnounted on light guides has been completed, but the LED does not seem to work. Will replace LED and start tests.
  3. Calibration/Monitoring
    • No report
  4. FCAL
    1. Construction status
      • Drawings have been sent out for bids and waiting for response.
      • Ad for assembly tech is out, many applicants. Will setup interviews next week.
      • For contracts, need to have drawings to be officially signed. Final .pdf and .dxf files should be sent to JLab. IU should sign in the boxes for 'draw' and 'review'. If the .pdf file can include signatures that's great. If not, written statement of signature intent should be sent to Tim, and we can sign in their stead. Further approvals are needed by Tim and Elton/Eugene. The drawings will then be entered into the document control system.
      • Inner dimensions of shield (1.5") has been clarified offline
      • NIM draft of timing resolution study is in progress and will be posted to the wiki next week.
      • Continuing to sort out results of radiation studies. Brad will update work, although final conclusions are largely unchanged.
    2. Readiness Review
      • Goal is for Tues, May 4.
      • Matt and Elton will draft an agenda. Participants from JLab are Elton, Tim, Eugene, Bruce Lenzer (EHS&Q).
      • Based on agenda, will decide what time flights need to be scheduled on Monday.
    3. To shashlyk or not to shashlyk. Options (Elton) see Table.
      • Draft of table with various options was presented and discussed
      • Ryan: GEANT4 simulations of Pb glass gives sigmaE/E ~ 6%/sqrt(E). RadHard glass simulations give predict the resolution degrades by 20%.
  5. BCAL
    1. Construction Status
      • Modules 5 and 6 matrices are complete; waiting at ROSS for maching along with 7 and 8.
      • Modules 7 and 8 stacking is about 50% complete.
      • Modules 1-4 are crated and almost ready for shipment. The shipment is awaiting final checks of measurements of the vertical measurement of pins in base plate. Measurements are close within a few thousands but measurements accuracy are on that same order. Procedure for machining the holes should be more accurate than present measurements. Will meet with Danny and Kevin (from Ross) on Monday and review measurements.
      • Signed contract for machining of remaining Bcal modules by Ross was completed. Will send copy to JLab.
      • UofR is in contact with Eastport Customs (JLab rep). When checking is complete, will give JLab 10 days notice as specified in contract.
    2. Responsibility for BCAL reconstruction software
      • David Lawrence's talk at the April 6 Offline Meeting. Slide 2 summarizes history of BCAL reconstruction.
      • Zisis: There have been local discussions of this topic at UofR. UofR agrees it makes sense to be responsible for Bcal shower reconstruction code, but present manpower is limited. Longterm with renewal of research grant a student and post-doc support might be available. [Note: Blake is defending thesis in July and has accepted an offer to work at Frascatti (KLOE)].
      • Matt: IU is negotiating the renewal of its 3-year contract and may be able to support a student to work on shower reconstruction. Will know availability of funds soon. If funded, student can start this summer.
      • David has been making some updates to Bcal code to consolidate cluster split offs, as this is presently the main issue for full event reconstruction. Will continue refinement and work with IU if the student becomes available.
  6. Simulations
    1. Andrei: Irina has completed data runs for photons incident at the center of segments of module. Histograms have also been produced for the maximum recorded amplitude. Will post a report on the portal shortly.
    2. Andrei can summarize results which affect the dynamic range of operation of SiPM and electronics at the next Bcal readout meeting.
  7. Other Updates