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March 3, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production
    • Blue Crab status (David)
    • Readiness review program (Beni, Dave, Bill)
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Roger)
  3. Engineering (Bill, David)
    • New mounting template
    • Other
  4. Chamber testing
    • "Upside-down" tests (Lubomir)
  5. Other


Participants: Bill, Dave, Simon, Chris, Glenn, Eugene, Beni, and Lubomir.


- Dave: There was safety walk-through at Blue Crab; no issues. All the tables needed are inside the clean room except the stringing table. A test PCB ring was glued using old boards and Bill is happy with it. Important is to fill the gaps at the joints where the O-ring is positioned to avoid gas leakage. Test were made with the conductive epoxy we got from CMU and it worked well. So we will use this epoxy to connect the cathode to the ground plane. Will need ~20g (~$80) per plane. Next to be done: checking cathode frame height and the depth of the O-ring grooves.

- Beni created a web page (linked above) for the readiness review. The first part contains a checklist for the review. Eugene commented on the recovery procedures that they have to be in parallel with the acceptance tests. Beni: since we can't anticipate all the problems there must be also a common part explaining in general what we should do in case of unexpected problems. Lubomir: regarding the package assembling and package testing we don't have clear procedures yet. The testing will depend on the results from the first new design chamber. The idea is to build first one chamber with two end windows, to mount it to empty cathode/spacer frames as if it is in the package and to test it. Eugene: the review will be for the production only up to the point of the package assembling. Later we will add the documents for the rest of the procedures.