March 16, 2011 Tracking CDC/FDC

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday March 16, 2011 at 11:30am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


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  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update
  3. CDC Update
    1. Status of the Construction.
    2. Status of the hook-up wires.
    3. Choice of Solder, Kester 285 which non-corrosive, non-conductive and does not need cleaning.


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Beni, Lubomir, Simon, Dave, Mark, Tim and Elton.

FDC Update

CDC Update

  1. Construction: Curtis reported on construction status. Row 17 is in progress and we have enough straws to complete row 20. According to Tim's earlier communication, the new straws from Lamina should be ready in about 6 weeks.
  2. Hook-up wires: the silver beads and conductive rubber have been ordered. Slava will send CMU some lifesize drawings of the endplate HVB connections so that the connection pattern can be determined.
  3. Solder: Fernando suggested that we use Kester 285. This leaves flux residues which are non-corrosive and non-conductive (and fungus-resistant). We propose to use this; we will not need to clean off any flux residue.
  4. Prototype: Naomi is making an outer plenum for the prototype, it is nearly finished.
  5. Gas flow: Beni calculated that the CDC would require approx 3L gas/minute, so one pair of cylinders would last around 3 days.