Jun 22, 2011 Replacement Solenoid

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Revision as of 15:11, 22 June 2011 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Action Items)

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Items for followup from previous meeting

  1. Questions to JLab

Tentative Agenda

  • 8:30 Meet in CC324. Tour of the Hall D experimental area.
    • Elton, Tim
  • 9:30 Tour of the test lab and ongoing testing of individual solenoid coils.
    • George, Elton
  • 10:30 CC324. Group Discussion/ Question & Answer session
    • George, Tim, Eugene, Elton, Johathan, Glenn
    • Ettore on the phone (not confirmed)
  • Lunch
  • 1:30 Closeout
    • Clarify any remaining questions
    • Assign task list for future work
  • 2:30 Discussions with Hall B personnel concerning toroid (not confirmed)


Attending: Brad Smith, Alexey Radovinsky, Elton Smith, Glenn Young, Eugene Chudakov, George Biallas, Tim Whitlatch, Jonathan Creel

Action Items

  1. Complete interface drawings with sign off. (Tim)
    • Also make available drawings of filler rings.
    • Include estimate of Helium level
  2. Provide parameters of refrigerator and cryogenic system (Johnathan)
  3. Provide drawings of service cryo cans (both D and C types) (George)
  4. Add cladding to model and repeat magnetic calculations to check fringe fields (Alexey)
  5. Send (draft) presentation to everyone (Alexey and Brad)
  6. Consider options for inserting coil from upstream end.
    • Preference is to have the chimney upstream (to minimize saturation downstream and have lower fields at current leads), but will weigh alternatives
    • Provide guidance on location following evaluation
  7. Provide estimate weight of coil (Brad)
  8. Provide table of lengths of SSC cable, so that splicing options can be studied (Elton)
  9. Get name of company that is extruding copper channel for conductor (Elton/Glenn)
  10. Provide information regarding the nitronic rods (non-magnetic stainless) as an option for tensioning supports (Tim)
  11. Specify guidelines (requirements) for burnout-proof leads (George?)