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July 14, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Status
    • Wire deadening
  2. Engineering (Bill)
    • Flatness problem: package strongback, gusset rings
    • Stringing table modifications
  3. Electronics (Chris)
    • HV tests
    • Other
  4. Chamber testing at EEL126
    • First cell tests with fADC: cathode resolution(Lubomir)
    • Tests with external tracking (Beni)
  5. Other: naming convention


Participants: Bill, Dave, Chris, Elton, Beni, Simon, Glenn, Caleb, and Lubomir.


- Dave (see the construction tracking): Cell#3 is almost ready, just second phase elements has to be put on the wire frame. The cathodes on cell#4 are ready except the flaps on the type-2 cathode. Now the techs are working on the cathodes for cell#5 using the two tensioning tools. We decided to postpone the wire frame production till we make a decision how to solve the HV problem, discussed later.

- Wire deadening: waiting for the chemicals needed. We will use the square lexan plate for tooling, but Bill will order another plate to be used for this procedure. Bill talking to Brian learned that the chemicals have to be neutralized at the end of the proocedure and that was not always done before when experimenting on a testing wire frame. We will try the deadening first on several testing frames before using a production one. Dave with Al's help is finishing the micro-controller and also working on a way to bypass the 1M resistors on each wire channel.


- Bill ordered the strong-back for the packages. One option would be to attach it to the package after it is assembled, and the other is just to assmble the package on the top of the strong-back in which case we need several of them. We want to have flatness on the chambers better than 200 microns, but Bill says with the material we have it is hardly possible. Measurements on the gusset ring only show deviation from flat up to 150 microns. The biggest deviation correlates with some scratches made in the production and Bill wants to re-enforce that place with epoxied fiber.

- Since the stringing table is not used for now, Bill will modify the strong-back to correct