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July 21, 2011 FDC meeting


  1. Production Construction Tracking (Dave)
    • Status
    • HV tests: results, testing procedures (Lubomir)
    • Other: wire deadening, iron source
  2. Engineering update (Bill)
  3. Electronics update (Chris)
  4. Chamber testing at EEL126
    • Tests with external tracking (Beni)
  5. Other


Participants: Eugene, Bill, Dave, Chris, Beni, Simon, and Lubomir.


- Dave (see the construction tracking): Continued with stringing wire frame#4. Wire frame#3 is waiting for soldering second phase component (Chris will do it together with Tina). Cell#5: one cathode ready, working on the second (type 2) cathode. Cell#6: working on the first cathode.

- Waiting for the chemicals for the wire deadening; probably will start testing the procedure beginning of next week. Bill: what is the wire diameter needed to deaden the wire? Lubomir: according to Garfield if we make sense wires 40um signal drops by factor of 40, for 60um - factor of 400, and for 80um -factor of 2,700. After some discussions, Bill will look what is the sagging effect of thickening the wires and Lubomir will estimate the suppression factor that we need.
