OWG Meeting 3-Aug-2011

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Revision as of 18:57, 4 August 2011 by Hovanes (Talk | contribs) (Automated Readout List Generation)

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  • Announcements
  • Review of minutes from 20-Jul-2011 meeting
  • DAQ group activities for Hall D - Bryan, Carl
  • Controls test stand status - Hovanes
  • Root-based server/client for monitoring ROCs - Sasha
  • Multi-crate trigger test - Bryan
  • Event size and raw event format - Dave, Carl
  • FDC cosmic ray test - Beni
  • Electronics, trigger and DAQ status reports - Chris, Alex, Dave, Fernando, Ben, Ed, William, Bryan
  • Mantis Task Tracker


1:30 PM Wed 3-Aug-2011 CC F326


No announcements

Next Meeting

Next meeting is scheduled for 27 of August.


Dana/Event Viewer update

  • Dave Lorenz informed us that Dave Heddle is the chair of the math department at CNU and he will not have much time to work on the event viewer.
  • Andrew will work with him in implementing the 3D features he developed for Hall D into the core event viewer from CNU because Dave was impressed by the Andrews 3D display for Hall D. So Andrew will have to give up on some of his work on JAVA of the viewer and C++ event reconstruction without writing out EVIO files.
  • Dave may have another student to work on the event viewer.

Controls Test Stand update

  • Hovanes installed PLC and the programming software on the Windows box in the test area in Room 126.
  • VME/VXS crates have EPICS driver and it works well. This is the driver we will use in Hall D.
  • Hovanes tried the EPICS support from Canadian Light Source for CAEN x527 HV chassis. The driver only incorporates control of the channels, no board-wide or chassis-wide functionality. Also the code for the existing functionality does not seem to be final, some parameters are hard coded. This EPICS driver is an alternative to what Hall B has been using.
  • The problem with the PXE booting the new VME controllers has been resolved.

Data Disentangling

  • Carl had a discussion with other members of the DAQ group about the data formats and how to disentangle the data. The goal is to provide an example how to disentangle of the data. Carl has all the information to go ahead and do what he needs to do.

Automated Readout List Generation

  • Bryan gave a short presentation on self-configuring readout list that gave the group the scope of the work he intends to work on. This is one of the tasks that Hall D asked DAQ to work on as a part of DAQ groups contribution into Hall D online activity.
  • The presentation lead to a long discussions with people expressing different opinions about the project. Everyone liked the feature of having automated identification of the board on the power up of the controller.
  • Mark and Sasha argued that auto-configured readout list will no be used often. The argument was that Hall D will probably like to configure the ROL themselves and load it. The values from the scan at the controller boot-up can be used for checking at the download time to identify inconsistencies with the preconfigured readout list.
  • Dave informed the group that Primex actually did use such a feature often of Hall D DAQ during their run.
  • Beni and Hovanes thought that creating such feature will be useful anyway and can lead to useful follow-up activities.
  • Carl mentioned that he talked Ed about using three bits in the header from some of the bits that are still are available to identify the board type directly from the data.
  • It was also pointed out that other groups will use this feature as well.
  • We concluded that a small number of people from Hall D need to meet and discuss the issue of how important such a feature will be for data taking and analyzing the data.

ROOT-based server/client

Multi-crate trigger

  • Bryan has 16 boards in one crate and 9 boards in the other.
  • Now Bryan is working on playback mode.