Mattione Kaon PID Studies eta1Prime(2300)

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  • γ p → η'1(2300), p
    • η'1(2300) → K*(892)0, K0_bar
      • K*(892)0 → K+, π-
        • K0_bar → π+, π-
  • Final State: p, K+, π-, π+, π-
  • Events generated with: Γη'1(2300) = 200 MeV/c2, t-slope = 5.0, 50.0 < Vertex-Z (cm) < 80.0

Analysis Overview

  • For each q = +/- particle in the reaction, all detected q = +/- tracks are tested as to whether or not they are that particle
    • e.g. If a q = + track has PID FOM > 1% for both the π+ & K+: allow both combinations (DO NOT take the best FOM as true!)
  • Maximum of 8 tracks per event (to cut down on memory spikes).
  • The analysis (cuts/histing/kinfits) is then performed on each possible track combination (events are only cut if every one of their track combinations is cut):
    • Required 45.0 < Track-Vertex-Z (cm) < 85.0
    • Require the combined FOM for PID (χ2 and NDF of all tracks summed together) be > 1%
    • Placed VERY wide cuts on the non-signal invariant mass peaks: reduces # of bogus track combinations to save time / cleanup histograms
    • Where kinematic fit: Require that the confidence level from the kinematic fit be > 1%