Nov 1, 2011 SiPM Electrical and Cooling

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Action Items from previous meetings

  1. Decide on cable connections for monitoring cable from Bcal wedge to patch panel. Consider electronics needed for pulsing system (Elton and Fernando)
  2. Check uniformity of LED source in black testing box
  3. Make a metal die to punch holes in cooling mat to ease assembly. (Nick and Jim)
  4. Produce jumper settings for first article boards next week (Jack)
  5. Give Jim a U-board with defective SiPM for devising extraction tool (Nick and Yi)

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Schedule for production and testing (all)
    • Schedule for production (Fernando and Jim)
    • Schedule for SiPM assignment and jumper sheets
  4. mini-Bcal (Elton)
  5. SiPM production testing (Yi)
  6. Mechanical assembly (Jim)
  7. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  8. Electronic boards (Fernando and Chris)
    • U-board puller?
  9. Light guide gluing setup (Scot)

