November 7, 2012 tracking CDC/FDC

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Revision as of 12:43, 7 November 2012 by Nsjarvis (Talk | contribs) (Minutes)

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Meeting Time and Place

Wednesday November 7, 2012 at 11:00am At Jefferson Lab, the meeting will be held in F326


To connect from the outside, please use ESNET

  1. ) ESNET: 8542553
  2. )To connect by telephone, dial:
  • You can look up toll-free number at
  • US and Canada: (866)740-1260 (toll free)
  • International: (303)248-0285 (toll call)
  • enter access code followed by the # sign: 3421244#

Hardware Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. FDC Update
  3. CDC Update
    1. CDC Photos
  4. Calibrations


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Beni, Simon, Lubomir, Mark

  1. FDC Update
  2. CDC Update
    1. Wiring the transition boards was completed last week.
    2. Gary made some a cooling ring with 32 holes in (at a 45 degree angle to the endplate) to blow air onto the electronics and fitted it to the chamber temporarily.
    3. There was a fairly large discrepancy between the volume of air being blown into the chamber and the volume coming out through the bubblers. This is thought to be partly due to a gap in the sealing of the temporary downstream plenum. Whilst the chamber was being inspected for potential leaks, cracks were spotted in the neoprene U-channels forming part of the upstream plenum wall. These will be covered with DP-190 to seal the cracks. Then we will refit the temporary plenum (gasbag) and compare gas flow in and out.
    4. Naomi mentioned that she'd measured the pedestal noise with and without the prototype attached to the HVB+preamp (with HV on, off and disconnected) and adding the prototype made very little difference (added 1.5 to a sigma of 15 channels).