Hovanes' proposal for crate naming

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This scheme follows the original Hall B crate naming scheme.

  • Each major detector component will have a number of crates named based on its GlueX name, followed by one or two digits specifying the number of the crate.
  • If more than one detector component is a part of one crate only one name is assigned, probably larger one.
  • Numbering assignment with respect to the geographical location (the map) will need to be created out before requesting IP names.
    1. Ordering by the type of the boards, then followed by geographical location ordering?
    2. Geographical location ordering only?
  • In the table below I separated the crates with the JLab discriminators from the other crates, but we can associate them with the detector subsystem as well.

Detector Crate Names Possible modules
TAGM/TAGH tag1 - tag3 fADC250/F1TDC
PS/PSC ps1 - ps2 fADC250/F1TDC
ST st1 - st2 fADC250/F1TDC
TRIG trig1 - trig2 GTP/TS/TD
BCAL bcal1 - bcal12 fADC250/F1TDC
CDC cdc1 - cdc4 fADC125
FDC fdc1 - fdc14 fADC125/F1TDC
TOF tof1 - tof2 fADC250/CAEN TDC
FCAL fcal1 -fcal12 fADC250
DISC dscr1 -dscr8 JLab Discriminators