GlueX Collaboration Meeting
October 3 to 5, 2013 at Jefferson Lab
The following template has been set up to allow people to identify what needs to be presented at the meeting. It has been roughly broken out by working group with suggestions for topics within each group. The working group chairs should work on adding the relevant talks with an estimated time (including questions) and the speaker's name. If there is a talk that does not fit into this template, please add it at the bottom.
Everyone participating in the collaboration meeting whether in person at JLab or remotely via electronic media are encouraged to register. Please visit the Registration Page.
To see who else will be attending either in person or via electronic media, please see the Current List of Participants Page
CEBAF Center L102
Remote Access
- ESNET: 8542553
- EVO: Room Booked under GlueX, entitled GlueX Collaboration Meeting
- Telephone: EVO telephone bridge -- see Remote Access Instructions for Collaboration Meeting, January 28-30, 2010 for detailed instructions for connecting to EVO.
Talks on the DocDB
The DocDB talk-upload template for the October 2013 Collaboration Meeting can be found here:
Upload your talks at the link above and then edit the agenda below to enter the appropriate link to your talk based on its DocDB document number.
Name your talk according to the following scheme: lastname_topic_meetingdate.pdf/pptx for example Meyer_CDCupdate_Oct2013.pdf.
Example (from the May 2008 meeting):
- 15:15 Session I (90) --- Offline Working Group Meeting --- Chair Curtis Meyer
- (20) Offline Software Status -- D. Lawrence
Thursday October 3, 2013
- 8:30 Session Ia (45) --- Opening Session - Chair: Matt Shepherd
- 8:30 (15) --- Welcome --- Curtis Meyer.
- 8:45 (30) --- Project Status --- Eugene Chudakov.
- 9:15 Session Ib (60) --- Engineering - (Organizer:) Chair: Curtis Meyer
- 9:15 (30) --- Installation Update --- Tim Whitlatch
- 9:45 (30) --- Solenoid Calculations --- Jay Benesch
- 10:15 (30) Coffee
- 10:45 Session Ic (60) --- Tracking - (Organizer: B. Zihlmann) Chair: Volker Crede
- 10:45 (30) --- FDC Update - Lubomir Pentchev
- 11:15 (30) --- CDC Update - Naomi Jarvis
- 11:45 Session Ic (50) --- TOF and PID - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: M. Ito (for Beni Zihlmann)
- 11:45 (25) --- TOF Update - Sasha Ostrovidov
- 12:10 (25) --- Start Counter Update - Eric Pooser
- 12:35 (85) Lunch
- 14:00 Session IIa (50) --- PID Upgrade - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: Beni Zihlmann
- 14:00 (25) --- PID Upgrade - Baptiste Guegan
- 14:25 (25) --- Cluster Counting with Modified FDC - Lubomir Pentchev
- 14:50 Session IIb (50) --- Offline Reconstruction, Part 1 - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: Elliott Wolin
- 14:50 (20) --- Overview and Data Challenge II - Mark Ito
- 15:10 (25) --- γp→π+π+π-(n) and the Analysis Workshop - Paul Mattione
- 15:35 (25) Coffee
- 16:00 Session IIc (100) --- Offline Reconstruction, Part 2 - (Organizer: M. Ito) Chair: Elliott Wolin
- 16:00 (30) --- Boosted Decision Tree Technology and GlueX - Justin Stevens
- 16:30 (20) --- Track Reconstruction Developments - Simon Taylor
- 16:50 (20) --- BCAL Reconstruction Developments - Will Levine
- 17:10 (30) --- HDGeant4 Development Report - Richard Jones
- 18:00 (90) --- Collaboration Board Meeting - Chair: Volker Crede.
Friday October 4, 2013
- 8:30 Session IIIa (60) --- Calorimetry - (Organizer: Zisis Papandreou) - Chair: Lubomir Pentchev
- 8:30 (30) --- BCAL Update (Zisis Papandreou)
- 9:00 (30) --- FCAL Update (John Leckey)
- 9:30 (30) Coffee
- 10:00 Session IIIb (130) --- Electronics/Trigger - (Organizer: Sasha Somov) - Chair: Paul Eugenio
- 10:00 (30) --- Electronics Update - Fernando Barbosa
- 10:30 (20) --- Update on the fADC125 - Cody Dickover
- 10:50 (25) --- Update on the Trigger Electronics - Chris Cuevas
- 11:15 (25) --- Level-1 Trigger - Alex Somov
- 11:40 (30) --- Level-3 Trigger - Justin Stevens
- 12:10 Lunch (110)
- Student/post-doc pizza lunch Hall-D Physics w/ Q&A (David Lawrence)
- 14:00 Session IVa (120) --- Beamline/Tagger - (Organizer: Richard Jones) - Chair: - Mark Ito
- 14:00 (30) --- Hall D Beamline Optics Update and Accelerator Songsheet - Jay Benesch
- 14:30 (30) --- Microscope and Readout Construction Update - James McIntyre/ Ann Marie Carroll/ Alex Barnes
- 15:00 (20) --- Diamond Radiator Development - Brendan Pratt
- 15:20 (20) --- Tagger Fixed Array Construction - Natalie Walford
- 15:40 (20) --- Pair Spectrometer and Readout - Ivan Tolstukhin
- 16:00 Coffee (30)
- 16:30 Session IVb (90) --- DAQ/Online/Slow Controls -(Organizer: Elliott Wolin) - Chair: Zisis Papandreou
- 16:30 (30) --- Summer 2013 Online Data Challenge - Dave Lawrence
- 17:00 (20) --- Online Update - Elliott Wolin
- 17:20 (20) --- EPICS Progress Report - Hovanes Egiyan
- 17:40 (20) --- PLC Controls Update - Dave Butler
- 18:00 Adjourn
- 18:15 --- Reception
Saturday October 5, 2013
- 9:00 Session Va (90) --- Physics - (Organizer: Volker Crede) - Chair: Matt Shepherd
- 9:00 (30) --- Update on IU Studies - Kei Moriya
- Commentary - Mark Ito
- 9:30 (30) --- Summary of the pion-Polarizability Workshop - Rory Miskimen
- 10:00 (30) --- Study of the decay Y(2175) → Zsπ → φ(1020)ππ - Amiran Tomaradze
- 9:00 (30) --- Update on IU Studies - Kei Moriya
- 10:30 (15) Coffee
- 10:45 Session Vb (85) --- Moving Forward - (Organizer: Curtis Meyer) - Chair: Volker Crede
- 10:45 (20) --- Report from the SLAC trip and the BaBar DIRC - Matt Shepherd
- 11:05 (30) --- Calibration and Commissioning Planning - Sean Dobbs
- 11:35 (20) --- Software Review II - Curtis Meyer
- 11:55 (15) --- Moving forward (Discussion)
- 12:10 Session Vc (30) --- Business Meeting - (Organizer: Curtis Meyer) - Chair: Eugene Chudakov
- 12:10 (20) --- Report from the Collaboration Board - Volker Crede
- 12:30 (10) --- Closeout - Curtis Meyer
- 12:40 --- Adjourn