BLTWG Meeting 11/10/2014

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Revision as of 11:23, 10 November 2014 by Jonesrt (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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  • Time: 11:30 EDT
  • Place: For those at JLab the meeting will be held in F326 and in the Hall D counting house.
  • Connecting: detailed instructions are here
  • Conference id: 536076821
  • Present:


  1. Announcements
  2. Accomplishments over the past two weeks
  3. What must be accomplished before commissioning can restart
    • evaluation of tagger hall backgrounds, esp. neutrons - discussion
    • installation of electronics crates in tagger hall - Nick, Alex, others?
    • reinstallation and checkout of TAGM readout electronics - Alex, Brendan
    • elevation of TAGM counters to the focal plane height - Tim
    • reinstallation and checkout of TAGH downstream counters - Nathan, Natalie
    • analysis of scans with active collimator, initial calibration - Richard
    • anything in Hall D? - Alexandre
  4. Goals for the next two weeks
  5. Immediate questions for simulation?
  6. any other business