January 12, 2015

From GlueXWiki
Revision as of 10:54, 12 January 2015 by Somov (Talk | contribs)

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  • Firmware update
- TI, FADC250, F1TDC, SD(?)
- already changed on BCAL, PS/PSC, ST, TAGM/TAGH
  • Test new firmware
  • Test trigger/readout performance using a play back
-has been implemented/tested on BCAL crates
  • Change jumpers/switches on SD boards (Sergei P.)
Modify BCAL fadc crates except rocbcal8
  • Trigger setup in the counting house
- two crates have been moved from F117. Take one crate from the trigger rack in the hall.
- find replacement for the crate in the hall (realocate DSC to another crate)
  • Data analyses
- FCAL (trigger) performance
- check rates with the simulation (in progress)
  • Level-1 Monitor