February 9, 2015

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Revision as of 09:59, 9 February 2015 by Somov (Talk | contribs)

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  • Firmware update and algorithm testing
- Change jumpers/switches on SD boards (Sergei P.)
- connect TI trigger front panel output to F1 TDCs
- Check trigger performance with play back - in progress
- [[1]]
  • Trigger algorithm study for the spring run
FCAL trigger tuning
decreasing integration window size (time).
- propagation time for MIPs (MC simulation)
- cable length, PMT transit time spread
- check with acquired data
FCAL thresholds tuning
- check rates with MC simulation (MC)
- MIP response
Coincidence of FCAL with other sub-detectors
- require tracks in ST
- energy correlation with BCAL
- combined trigger base on BCAL/ST correlations and FCAL thresholds
  • Level-1 Monitor