GlueX Offline Meeting, November 2, 2010

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GlueX Offline Software Meeting
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
2:00 pm EDT
JLab: CEBAF Center F326/7


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Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2010-11 on the JLab CUE (you have to be a member of the "halld" Unix group). This directory is accessible from the web at .


  1. Announcements
  2. Review of minutes from the last meeting: all
  3. CCDB tools discussion: Dmitry
  4. New meeting time?: Mark
  5. Monte Carlo data hddm structure and dana translation of hits (Beni's mess)
  6. Action Item Review: all
    1. Resolved issues
    2. Outstanding issues
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JLab: Hovanes Egiyan, Mark Ito (chair), Dmitry Romanov, Simon Taylor, Elliott Wolin, Beni Zihlmann

Review of minutes from the last meeting

We went over the minutes from the October 19 meeting. There was not a lot of discussion. We did note that Beni and Dmitry should try and get together and see if we can import our current geometry into EVE using the HDDS-to-ROOT converter written by Ed Brash.

New Meeting Time

We decided on a new time for this meeting, Wednesdays at 1:30 pm. It will continue to be every other week. This puts us back in the online/offline alternating meeting scheme for Wednesday afternoons.

CCDB Progress

Dmitry brought us up-to-date on the status of the Calibration and Conditions Database. See his slides for details. He talked about:

  • Modifications to the database table structure
  • A "console tool" that gives users an interactive shell like interface to the database.
  • The issues related to access privileges to the database.
  • A proposal for creating database activity logs as part of the database itself.

We discussed the access privilege scheme for some time. There is a question on how fine-grained we need to be. Having a relatively complicated scheme not only makes the coding more difficult, but maintenance of a proper set of privileges can become a real chore. Having too simple a scheme might make it too easy to make mistakes or invite hackers. This needs to be discussed further.

Correlating Hits with Tracks

Beni presented recent changes that are a precursor to being able to correlate reconstructed charged tracks with Monte-Carlo-generated particles by looking at the particle origin of the hits associated with the track. See his slides for details. He discussed

  • Modifications to gustep to classify some "secondary" particles as "primary".
  • Modification of the digitizations routines in HDGeant to add particle parent information to the event on a hit-by-hit basis.
  • Where this information is located in the HDDM data model.
  • Modifications to the DANA container classes to accomodate to make this new data available to users.
  • Modifications to the HDDM-to-DANA conversion routine to transmit the data from HDDM to the container classes.
  • Examples of the new code in action.

We noted that this process of adding information to the events is a bit involved. We did not get into the discussion of the separation of truth and hits and whether or not this principle is present in the GlueX Constitution.

Action Item Review

We reviewed the list. The following items have been resolved recently:

  • (staylor) 2010-11-02 Do studies of a more uniform magnetic field.
  • (zihlmann) 2010-11-02 give a presentation on correlation between CDC/FDC hits and generated particles

See the Offline Project on the MantisBT pages for details.

New Action Items

  1. Try importing GlueX geometry into EVE. -> Dmitry, Beni