November 30, 2015

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Revision as of 18:59, 10 December 2015 by Somov (Talk | contribs)

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  • Modifications of config files
- parameters for CAEN R-C adjustment
- parameters for fa125 initialization
- implementation of SYNC events (in progress)
- configuration of TRD, concurrent running with ST (in progress)
  • Other
- new TS firmware (check in progress)
- BCAL LED trigger distribution through TS
- TPOL stand alone self-trigger with CTP

  • L1 trigger commissioning plans for the fall run
  • PS trigger (TAGM bias voltage calibration, TAGH voltage scans). Run TRD in parallel, if no problems.
- test/debug trigger (2 - 3 hours).
- production (1 - 2 night shifts)
run conditions depend on the accelerator performance (200 nA electron current, 10^-4 radiator, 10^-3 converter + Be converter, TBD)
  • Trigger for FDC alignment (ST/TOF + FCAL)
  • Trigger for FCAL MIPS calibration (ST & TOF)
- test/debug trigger (3 - 4 hours, CDC/FDC switched off)
production at low luminosity with the FDC switched on (1 - 2 night shifts for both triggers)
  • Debug FCAL/BCAL trigger
- trigger studies (3 - 4 hours)
- take data with the BCAL/FCAL trigger, FCAL/BCAL thresholds will be tuned, chambers can be switched on depending on the run conditions (1 - 2 night shifts).
- test trigger performance at high rate. Take data with 'nominal' trigger thresholds.
  • Trigger generated by TAGM/TAGH
- trigger studies (3 - 4 hours)
- combine TAGH/TAGM with other trigger types.
- take data with the total absorption counter, 2x10-5 radiator, a few nA current (TBD) (2 - 3) hours
- Requests from sub-detectors