Mar 10, 2016 Calorimetry
From GlueXWiki
Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m.
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1]
- To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: ( and enter the meeting ID: 907185247.
- To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 907185247.
- US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
- US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
- Upon connection all microphones are automatically muted. To unmute your mike on a Polycom or equivalent unit, enter *4. Unmuting on a computer is trivial as there is a microphone button than can be clicked.
- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- Update BCAL clusterizer to improve agreement between simulated and generated MC (Mark)
- Modify covariance matrix for FCAL and BCAL to correspond to the current resolution of the detectors (Matt).
- Change F250 simulation code to match firmware and add flexibility for new algorithms (Mike)
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items:
- Run Preparations
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Calibration
- Any other business