July 30, 2013 Calorimetry
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'Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
- Phone connection only upon request.
- +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
- +1-303-248-0285 : International
- then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
- or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)
Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Videoconference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Items for followup from previous meeting(s)
Transmission: Report back on more transmission measurements (Shaun and Elton) -
FCAL cover during solenoid tests (Elton and John)
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Monitoring
- SiPMs Update
- Three units (SN: 80 JLab, 219 JLab, 1933 USM) were found to be "hazy" during installation onto the readout assemblies at JLab.
- We have original photos from unit at USM after some cleaning. No degradation in performance was observed
- Media:SiPMHaze1.JPG SiPM 1933 with "haze" at USM after cleaning
- Media:SiPMHaze3 atJLab.jpg SiPM 1933 with "haze" at JLab during assembly
- Media:SiPMHaze2.jpg SiPM 1933 with "haze" at JLab during assembly (zoom)
- Likely the epoxy covering the sensor has been affected during handling. Carl is retesting them. Will keep these as spares.
- SiPMs Update
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- TDR update
- Calibration of Calorimeters
- Any other business
- Elton will be away next Tuesday. Zisis will run the meeting.
Attendees:John, Elton, Zach, George, David, Serguei (JLab); Christina (Athens); Shaun, Andrei (UofR); Will, Alam, Elias (USM); Matt (IU); Sean Dobbs (NW).
- Announcements
- Solenoid is cold, testing expected in the next few days
- Action Items
- Monitoring
- FCAL Concept for FCAL Monitoring Plane
- Discussion on the latest modifications to the monitoring plane. Eljen can provide UVT material for panes and also do the machining.
- Modifications were discussed and approved by the group. JLab will proceed with ordering the panes.
- Cabling is half complete. Last pieces of the labyrinth are being machined at IU. Expect delivery in a couple of weeks. Cabling of upper section must wait on these pieces
- The environmental monitoring system is making progress. All pieces are made and tested
- Boxes are being fabricated and buttons being prepared. Expect a fully assembled system in a week.
- PLC connections will be made once Dave Butler is freed up from his solenoid duties.
- Elton: IU contract will be completed in August. It seems everything is on track for it to be completed.
- Contract
- Danny is returning to decommission the module factory in August and the contract will be completed.
- SiPMs Update
- Three units (SN: 80 JLab, 219 JLab, 1933 USM) were found to be "hazy" during installation onto the readout assemblies at JLab.
- We have original photos from unit at USM after some cleaning. No degradation in performance was observed
- Media:SiPMHaze1.JPG SiPM 1933 with "haze" at USM after cleaning
- Media:SiPMHaze3 atJLab.jpg SiPM 1933 with "haze" at JLab during assembly
- Media:SiPMHaze2.jpg SiPM 1933 with "haze" at JLab during assembly (zoom)
- SN 1933 was tested several times, including once again before shipping to JLab (about six months after cleaning). No significant degradation in performance was observed relative to other sensors.
- Likely the epoxy covering the sensor has been affected during handling. Carl is retesting them. Will keep these as spares.
- Alam: The unit was cleaned with alcohol (isopropyl?) creating this haze. Since then any cleaning has been performed using distilled water.
- Elton: After Carls tests, if they continue to show no change in performance, we replace them with newer units and will keep them as spares.
- Testing at Regina
- Temperature dependence of SiPM performance continues.
- Shaun has been away since he was at JLab and will return to working on the cosmic ray data.
- Contract
- Reconstruction and Simulation (Sean Dobbs)
- Electrons from J/psi
- Sean showed slides with expected energy distributions of electrons from J/Psi decay. Energies range from 0 to 6-7 GeV.
- There have been some discussions of consequences of overflow.
- The ADC overflows at 4096 (12 bits). The pulse sum has more bits, but it is unclear from the present MC when individual samples overflow.
- Serguei: There is also intrinsic non-linearity in the MPPC sensors, which must be corrected even before saturation occurs.
- Matt: One may be able to use the capabilities of the Flash to compensate for saturated pulses by fitting to the pulse shape.
- David: Discussions on the data format for the Flash-125 are converging on a scheme that combines the sum and timing information with the slot/channel information into two words. This allows for additional bits to be used for quality factors including information about saturation. After the discussion of the Flash-125 is settled, we may wish to revisit the format for the Flash-250 and incorporate some of their ideas.
- TDR update
- Calibration of Calorimeters
- Any other business