Run Coordinator report: Spring 2018 r13

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RC Report for April 4-11, 2018 David Lawrence

We were scheduled for 148H of beam and the accelerator was able to deliver to Hall-D for about 87H. We used about 80H of this. Some beam time was lost for typical reasons. Roughly 3H for changing radiators and another 3H for “DAQ” which includes time spent starting and stopping runs. Approximately 150TB of data was recorded during this week.

Some time was spent on investigating backgrounds in the CDC due to partly to synchrotron radiation. A couple of special runs were taken with various absorbers placed just upstream of the active collimator to try and parameterize and optimize blocking of low energy photons. Tungsten and copper shields were tested. A TAC run was done on the last day of the week (Wed.).

The rest of the time was spent doing production running. Alternating between the 4 diamond orientations and two TPOL convertors (75um and 750um).