Hall D MEDCON5 Operations Resumption Status

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Meeting Time and Location

4pm Daily beginning June 8 on Bluejeans



Jefferson Lab will be going into MEDCON5 status on Monday June 8 with the expectation of resuming beam delivery to the Halls in July. There will be a gradual ramp up of activity in the Hall D complex over several weeks. On June 8th, a limited staff will come in to ready the areas for personnel return to conform to JLAB requirements and to ensure the risk to personnel is as low as reasonably possible. Other tasks (and associated personnel) will be accomplished in Tiers in order to limit the amount of personnel in any given area and ensure the 6' distancing can be maintained. There is currently no work authorized in Hall D which requires this distancing to be violated. The Hall D complex will be set up to have one way traffic to minimize chance encounters. The description of these set up can be found in the Hall D Resumption Plan (See Link in References below)


In order to access the JLAB property, you must have your supervisors approval. Several actions must be completed prior to starting work;

  • Everyone is to perform the Health Self Certification Test using the JLAB provided card daily before entering JLAB property. The results must be reported to your supervisor if your supervisor is on sight. Otherwise it is the honor system
  • Anyone coming into Hall D must have the approval of the Hall D Group Leader, Work Coordinator or Engineer
  • Sign in on the board at the entrance to the Counting House
  • The COVID-19 Pandemic Controls OSP must be read and understood prior to coming to JLAB (See Link in References below)
  • SAF003 COVID-19 Hazard Awareness and Controls must be completed (See Link in References below)
  • Read and sign the general Pre-Job Check List for COVID-19 that will be posted in the counting house
  • Complete and sign (persons performing task and their supervisor) the Pre-job checklist from the COVID-19 OSP for each task for which there is a written procedure before starting. The signed copy is to be posted at the job site.'

General Timing of Work in the Hall

Immediate Return June 8

  1. Mark Stevens and Josh Foyles will return to ready the Hall D complex for personnel to return to get equipment ready for beam.

First Tier - June 10?

This will consist of getting all the electronics cooling and gas systems operating at nominal conditions as well as checks on the DAQ system

2nd Tier - June 16?

This will consist of getting all vacuum systems up, turning detectors on (crates HV and LV)

3rd Tier - June 19?


List of refenced documents and their links

Hall D Resumption Plan File:Hall D Resumption Plan.pdf
JLAB Web based Training https://www.jlab.org/human_resources/training/webbasedtraining
Hall D Safety Page  https://www.jlab.org/Hall-D/hd_safety.php