Π polarizability Meeting Jun 10, 2020

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Revision as of 10:13, 10 June 2020 by Acschick (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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Meeting Info.

Meeting Time And Location

9:00 EST (JLab time)

CC L207


You can connect using BlueJeans Video conferencing (ID: 949 429 419). (Click "Expand" to the right for details -->):

  1. Make sure you have created a BlueJeans account via your JLab CUE account using this link:

  2. Meeting ID: 949 429 419
    • (you may need to type this in, depending how you connect)

  3. If connecting via Web Browser: click this link (no passcode is needed):

  4. If connecting via iOS or Android App:
    • Use your JLab e-mail address to log in and then enter the meeting ID given above to join the meeting

  5. If connecting via Phone: Dial one of the following numbers and then enter the meeting ID above and hit "#" or "##"

  6. If connecting via Polycom unit:
    • Dial or bjn.vc
    • Enter meeting ID above

Action Items


  1. Previous meeting: Jun 3, 2020
  2. Announcements
  3. Update on Engineering/Design
    1. Screen Shots of Mechanical Design Apr 2 and 23
    2. May 21, 2020 CPP Design Meeting
    3. Beam test
  4. TOF trigger rate reproducability during spring 2020 run (Ilya)
  5. Studies on shielding thickness (Ilya)
  6. Data Analysis (Andrew)
  7. Preparations for Jeopardy
  8. Other business
  9. Next meeting
