Π polarizability Meeting May 5, 2021
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Meeting Time And Location
09:00 EST (JLab time) Electronics Discussion
REMOTE during Covid-19
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Action Items
Agenda (Electronics Discussion) 09:00 am
- Announcements
- Previous CPP Electronics meeting: Feb 3, 2021
- Previous CPP: Apr 28, 2021
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- FADC cables
- LV supplies/cable
- HV supply/cable
- Slow Controls
- Heating of electronics
- draft TOSP for testing in EEL 126(TOSP # 115501)
- Next meeting
Attending: Albert, Fernando, Beni, Chris, Hovanes, Mark, Rory, Tim, Elton, Alex, Ilya
- Announcements
- We have submitted our response to the ERR. Stepan and Patrizia have acknowledged receipt.
- Previous CPP Electronics meeting: Feb 3, 2021
- CPP and NPP Readiness Review
- FADC cables
- Chris has ordered a short section of a new cable that should work. He has not had time to put on the connectors.
- We need to confirm length of cables with Stephanie, which we can do tomorrow at the CPP design meeting (Elton)
- We can use the cables used for the prototype to get the first MWPCs working in the EEL. Need to put our hands on them. (Check with Mark Stevens)
- LV supplies/cable
- Recall: Each chamber requires two +5 and two -5 supplies: Rory: Each supply draws 1 A, i.e. 2x2=4 A per chamber -> 20 W/chamber
- Fernando: Each MPOD channel delivers 5 A -> can channel supplies one chamber -> need six channels.
- Discussion about removing banana plugs from chamber and connecting chamber to an appropriate connector that can be used to plug into a "L" transition piece to the D-sub connector to MPODs. Final determination will be made when the first shipment of chambers comes to JLab.
- Rory: the LV on the chamber is separated into a right and left side; both sides need connections to +/-5 V.
- The MPODs will be located in the DIRC/CCAL LV crate.
- HV supply/cable
- There is a CAEN HV crate on the upstream south rack and has sufficient space, presently used for CCAL. There is a Drift Chamber card, but it takes the Radial connector (not SHV)
- We require a single SHV connection per MWPC plane.
- Ideally we can add a noise filtering box on the output of the HV supplies before transition to the SHV connector.
- Beni will check to see if the HV on the CDC is segmented by quadrants so we could potentially borrow one of the existing filtering boxes for the MWPCs.
- Slow Controls:
- Hovanes: Once the hardware has been defined, CPP (Beni) should present requirements to the Slow Controls meeting, so that responsibilities can be assigned and the software can be developed
- Hovanes: Does the Ar/CO2 gas stratify in the premixed bottles? (Rory will inquire)
- Systems: HV, LV, gas, heat monitoring in enclosure
- Heating of electronics
- Rory: Plan to add a swage connector for gas that could be used to supply dry nitrogen to each enclosure.
- draft TOSP for testing in EEL 126(TOSP # 115501)
- Next meeting
- We will reconvene once the first shipment of chambers have arrived and we have had time to evaluate connections.
Action Items for next meeting
- Obtain lengths of cables (Elton)
- Check with Mark Stevens about the location of cables used for prototype (Chris Stanislav)
- Check mapping of HV on the CDC to see if they map onto a single quadrant (Beni)
- Add swage gas connection to MWPC electronic enclosures (Rory)
- Investigate if settling (stratification) of Ar/CO2 is a problem in premixed bottles (Rory)
- Feedback to draft TSOP developed by Beni (Rory, Fernando, Elton)