Π polarizability Meeting June 28, 2023
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Revision as of 12:07, 27 June 2023 by Davidh (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "10:00 EDT (JLab time) Weekly Meeting <br> REMOTE during Covid-19 == Action Items == == Preliminary Agenda == # Previous CPP meeting: Π_polarizability_Meeting_June_21,_2...")
10:00 EDT (JLab time) Weekly Meeting
REMOTE during Covid-19
Action Items
Preliminary Agenda
- Previous CPP meeting: June 21, 2023
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Calibrations
- TOF: Full calibration complete. Tested one run, looks very good, resolution below 100ps (for mean-time). CCDB has been updated.
- FCAL: ongoing, needs another "month?", currently good to 5% for pi0 width. issues with the innermost ring, no pi0 seen
- [Log Entry 4157422 Radiation Damage (Malte)
- FCAL calibrations (email from Igal)
- BCAL: ongoing.
- CDC: calibration is done. Naomi is doing some cross checks. Naomi refined the gains based on monitoring version 10, the plots are at calibration status based on ver10.
- FDC: Keigo, done.
- Digihit integral vs peak 2-d plots for groups of 24 MWPC channels show noise dependence on hit multiplicity in the group.
plots made for the entire group, file name legend: 1st number - MWPC#, 2nd - 24 wires group #, 3rd - one for 1...2 hits in the group, five for 10 or more hits
- Digihit integral vs peak 2-d plots for groups of 24 MWPC channels show noise dependence on hit multiplicity in the group.
- Tagger-Mic, PS, TPOL: ?
- ver10: mic. and hod. timining mostly ok., needs some tweaking of individual channels. PS timing itself looks ok however the relative timing between PS and tagger is off by 4ns(always), this inhibits to do and accidental scaling factor calibration. One block of 5 microscope columns are off regarding energy calibration, it seems the ordering is switched (this seems to be also true for the 80k run period and the 110k run period).
- ver11: looks worse regarding timing, e.g. tagger time minus RF time is off by 4ns most of the time., tagger time minus PS time is still off by 4ns
- tagger microscope walk correction does not work well for all run periods after fall 2021. Ellie Prather from UCON is working on this issue.
- Accidental Scaling Factor calibration requires Tagger and PS calibration.
- Energy calibration of tagger microscope is ok, the issue is in some "cable swap" that was not yet addressed on the translation table see: logbook
- CCDB Constants Status (Elton)
- Data Analysis
- Wiki Page Analysis_Overview
- Documentation
- Upcoming Presentations
- SPIN 2023 at Duke
- Other business
- Next meeting
in: /u/group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2023/CPP/ link: This directory is accessible from the web at https://halldweb.jlab.org/talks/2023/CPP