Π polarizability Meeting Sep. 20, 2012

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Meeting Info.

Meeting Time

9:00 EST


We meet via Skype. The relevant Skype user names are:

  • Rory Miskimen - rmiskimen
  • Alexander Mushkarenkov - alexander_mushkarenkov
  • Elton Smith - eltonssmith
  • David Lawrence - aehsdad


Previous meeting: Aug. 30, 2012


Attendees: Rory M., Candace H., Sasha M., David L., Elton S.


Rory reported that he has been trying to track down the Pb target used for PrimEx. This was well measured and understood and potentially would make a good target for the polarizability experiment.

He has been in contact with Steve Christo who located the Sn target and has shipped to UMass. He has been unable to locate the Pb target though.

Rory will look through his e-mails again to see if he can find any more info that can help us track down the target.

Decays and secondaries

Action Items