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Latest revision as of 10:17, 13 June 2012

The final report is not yet available, but a draft was read at the closeout.

Generally, a very positive reaction for Hall-D. Some comments from Dave's notes taken during closeout:

  1. Future reviews might include talks from end users to relate their experiences
  2. We should be working towards large scale mock-data challenges sooner rather than later
  3. Standard profiling/evaluation tools should be integrated so that they are run routinely
    with new releases
  4. More attention on file discovery(??)
  5. Workflow tools are in conceptual stage
  6. Invest in transition to GEANT4 only when extra manpower is available or a physics motivation
    arises (this confirms of our current position)
  7. Accomodate natural peaks in CPU needs during analysis when forming requirements


  1. Plan a series of scaled tests using the LQCD farm
  2. Consider using ROOT for the DST file format

Moving Forward

Curtis sent around a similar summary, but added that we should probably organize a "Calibration Workshop" to start focusing more on specifics there.

Matt elaborated a bit more on what might be done for the data challenge:

I think the most important next step is to do a one day data challenge (or even repeat the
3.5 hour one) in the style that we will do the final analysis.  Two key steps:

* separate the reconstruction and analysis step -- we need to have JANA ready to read in
the reconstructed DST format (that we haven't quite specified yet) and make analysis level
C++ objects ready for the user analysis

* In doing this we should experiment with how we manage files for batch submission. 
Also we can play around with different mechanisms to manage a user skim (EventStore or
some equivalent that ROOT might have).

We should have a goal of one large MC set that can be consumed by multiple users 
(e.g. 3 pi and 5 pi).  This is the approach we will use with the final data.