Addressing ERR review recommendations

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Charge 2: Has the detector been completed, commissioned and ready to operate? If not, what are the completion/commissioning schedule and tasks?

  • Recommendation 1: The schedule for DIRC installation and testing before the hall closes for GlueX operation is extremely tight. The installation plan should be carefully evaluated to ensure that it can be safely completed in the allowed time. An alternative plan for commissioning and testing should be developed in case installation and commissioning are not completed on time.
  • Recommendation 2: List all of the goals and milestones for successful commissioning.
  • Recommendation 3: The magnetic field on the PMTs and magnetic shielding were concerns raised in the 2015 review (Technical comments 23 and 24). The results were not presented to this review. The committee recommends that those comments on the previous review should be addressed.

Charge 3: Have all the tasks needed to safely mount AND OPERATE the detector been identified and defined adequately?

  • Recommendation 1: Provide an evaluation of the cooling requirements and confirm that the cooling will be adequate. If the cooling is not adequate produce an updated schedule that reflects the steps needed to provide a system that can be reliably and safely operated.
  • Recommendation 2: Water quality requirements and monitoring are necessary, should be carefully studied and a procedure documented.
  • Recommendation 3: The procedure for integration of the DIRC into the GlueX DAQ has not been presented. A detailed plan for integrating the detector into the DAQ system should be developed. Similarly the integration of the DIRC into the slow control system was not thoroughly documented.
  • Recommendation 4: Provide the projected background rate during high luminosity running and show the signal can be separated from the background.

Charge 4: Has the detector ownership, maintenance and control during beam operations been defined?

  • Recommendation 1: Complete maintenance and operational Documentation

Charge 5: Are the responsibilities for carrying out each job identified, and are the manpower and other resources necessary to complete them on time in place?

  • Recommendation 1: The optical Box delivery is the critical path for this installation. A contingency plan for late delivery needs to be available as well as an independent verification of the status of the Optical Box.
  • Recommendation 2: Complete maintenance plans and training plans.
  • Recommendation 3: Clarify which manpower is provided by non-JLab and JLab groups. Verify that the manpower and other resources will be available if the installation and/or commissioning schedule is changed.

Charge 6: Are the specific documentation and procedures to operate safely and efficiently the detector, in place and adequate? This includes initial operation.

Recommendation 1: Complete maintenance and operational Documentation including completion of OSP