BCal Beam Test Plots, January 3, 2007

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Revision as of 16:29, 3 January 2007 by Leverinb (Talk | contribs)

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From suggestions from Alex and others I wrote a piece of code that runs in ROOT that plots z finds sigma and then adjusts the PMT gain correction factors until the sigma of the gaussian fit is at it's minimum. Z is defined as

z={\frac  {E_{{cal}}-E_{{beam}}}{E_{{beam}}}}

You can find the peakfit.C code here. ( in ROOT > .x peakfit.C )

The code goes through and adjusts each parameter by an amount epsilon until sigma is minimal. Of course the ADC conversion factor (E_beam/E_cal) has to be calculated each time too. Doing this shows a good improvement in the "floor term" and the energy dependent is still approximately 5%.

The fit is using \sigma _{{z}}={\frac  {a}{{\sqrt  {E(GeV)}}}}+b in the package xmgrace.
