CDC Pedestal Studies

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Pedestal Subtraction

Based on cosmic ray data with BCAL trigger Look for events with the following signature in the CDC:

  • Wave form of CDC signal

The first test was done by using the region P_{{i}} (blue) to determine a pedestal and the region I (red) to determine an Integral and then subtract the proper pedestal from the Intergral as follows: D=I-P_{{i}}/N_{{i}}*80. where N_{{i}} is the number of samples used to calculate the pedestal and 80 is the number of samples in the Integral I. In the case of no signal the the distribution D is expected to be around zero with a sigma that reflects the resolution and depends on the number samples N_{{i}} used in determining the pedestal. As an example the distribution with 4 samples in the pedestal calculation looks like this:

  • Pedestal subtraction distribution
N_{{i}} mean F sigma F mean I sigma I
4 102.2 1293 96.5 1276
16 119.0 1121 163.4 1120
20 121.1 1080 145.1 1080
32 102.4 984 159.0 978
64 40.9 680 84.6 685