Difference between revisions of "CDC run 985"

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Line 6: Line 6:
|[[Image:cdc_951_p_daqtree.png|thumb|x200px| DAQTree ped from pulse_pedestal]]
|[[Image:cdc_951_p_daqtree.png|thumb|x200px| DAQTree ped from pulse_pedestal]]
|[[Image:cdc_951_p_cdcalgo.png|thumb|x200px| CDC_algo]]  
|[[Image:cdc_951_p_cdcalgo.png|thumb|x200px| CDC_algo]]  
|[[Image:cdc_985_p_cdcalgo.png|thumb|x200px| CDC_algo ALL events]]  
|[[Image:cdc_985_p_cdcalgo.png|thumb|x200px| CDC_algo ALL events (not just those over threshold)]]  

Revision as of 15:20, 12 November 2014

CDC_algo has hit threshold 160, timing thresholds 120,20, rough_time (if algo fails) 40 (uploaded filenames are wrong, it really is run 985)

DAQTree ped from pulse_pedestal
CDC_algo ALL events (not just those over threshold)
DAQTree time from pulse_time
CDC_algo (units sample/10)

File:Cdc 951 a cdconline.png
not implemented yet
DAQTree pulse_peak from pulse_pedestal

File:Cdc 951 i daqtree.png
DAQTree pulse_integral does not exist in mode 8
CDC_algo (not sure if this is ok)

Zeroes in run 985 (FDC & CDC)

[njarvis@maria: ~/online/plugins ]> root -l rundata/run985/daqtree.root
root [0] 
Attaching file rundata/run985/daqtree.root as _file0...
root [1] Df125PulseTime->Scan("*","time==0&&channel==0")
*    Row   * channelnu *  eventnum *     rocid *      slot *   channel *  itrigger * pulse_num * quality_f *      time *
*     7623 *       469 *        18 *        61 *         5 *         0 *        16 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    25436 *        14 *        50 *        28 *         3 *         0 *        48 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    31022 *       721 *        59 *        62 *         6 *         0 *        57 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    39850 *         0 *        73 *        25 *         3 *         0 *        71 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    49429 *       481 *        92 *        62 *         6 *         0 *        90 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    67602 *         0 *       132 *        25 *         3 *         0 *       130 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    80313 *       334 *       159 *        57 *        17 *         0 *       157 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    83937 *        24 *       166 *        26 *         7 *         0 *       164 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    89910 *        21 *       179 *        26 *        13 *         0 *       177 *         0 *         0 *         0 *

root [2] Df125PulsePedestal->Scan("*","pedestal==0&&channel==0")
*    Row   * channelnu *  eventnum *     rocid *      slot *   channel *  itrigger * pulse_num *  pedestal * pulse_pea *
*     7623 *       469 *        18 *        61 *         5 *         0 *        16 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    25436 *        14 *        50 *        28 *         3 *         0 *        48 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    31022 *       721 *        59 *        62 *         6 *         0 *        57 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    39850 *         0 *        73 *        25 *         3 *         0 *        71 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    49429 *       481 *        92 *        62 *         6 *         0 *        90 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    67602 *         0 *       132 *        25 *         3 *         0 *       130 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    80313 *       334 *       159 *        57 *        17 *         0 *       157 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    83937 *        24 *       166 *        26 *         7 *         0 *       164 *         0 *         0 *         0 *
*    89910 *        21 *       179 *        26 *        13 *         0 *       177 *         0 *         0 *         0 *

root [22] Df125PulseTime->GetEntries()
(const Long64_t)5143077
root [23] Df125PulsePedestal->GetEntries()
(const Long64_t)5143077
root [24] Df125PulseTime->GetEntries("time==0")
root [25] Df125PulsePedestal->GetEntries("pedestal==0")

Pedestal from cdcalgo for ALL events
ROC 25
ROC 26
ROC 27
ROC 28
Pedestal from cdcalgo for ALL events
ROC 25
ROC 26
ROC 27
ROC 28
ROC 25, zoomed in
ROC 26, zoomed in
ROC 27, zoomed in
ROC 28, zoomed in
ROC 28, zoomed in